Sunday, March 20, 2016

The only way to go, is forward.

"8 exams, 8 hoops, 8 tries. 

It was less of a test of abilities and more a test of luck."

And now.. I'm relieved to say,

8 exams, 8 hoops, 8 tries.

All in, 

8 successes.

I'm not sure if it was just luck, divine intervention (trust me, I prayed a lot) or something else, but I am incredibly thankful to have made it through Part B. It has been a long 5-year journey since I first stepped into law school and with the release of the results, it feels almost as if I can proudly say that I've achieved something in life. To the self who has worked hard over the years, enduring sleepless nights and constantly pushing oneself beyond one's limits: 수고했어요. You've done a good job. Thank you for that. Part B may have been a case of 10 steps forward, 3 steps back but I trust that I can and  will emerge a better person. Rebuilding lost confidence is going to be immensely difficult (thanks ah you guys, getting paid $6k to shatter my self-confidence) but since I've already made it to this position today, I'm prepared to go all the way.

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