Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Huff and Puff

Gotta get into shape for the neighbour's wedding, Bounce Off (need to train for the 3km run and lots of bouncing hahah) and the sister's wedding so I've started on a simple exercise regime today! All I did was two sets of jumping jacks, cycling crunches, high-knee jumps and touch-toes shuffles each but I felt like a circus monkey already D: Hahahaha a monkey jumping about crazily at home! I couldn't do the push-up planks and mountain climbers though - don't have enough upper body strength to do the former and I kept slipping on the floor for the latter (maybe it works better with shoes on?) so I just replaced them with jumps.

We'll keep this up for the next uh, 5 months and hopefully, see some results by the time January rolls around ahahhaha (obviously no high expectations). Hahaha and if I have the time and mood (they're conjunctive haha), I'll throw in some running and badminton too! Someone, play and run with me please! Hint hint, Bunny.

Till then, have to lay off the sweets and fast food! (okay, compromise - once a week?)

The Lava short film's song and Bing Bong's tune have been stuck in my head the whole day wahhhhhh (suddenly breaks into song) "Who is the friend who likes to play? BING BONG, BING BONG!!"

"I have a DREAMMMMM~" (argh, stop that, volcano!)

I've been so sleepy and tired the entire day, I'm having a headache. Hahah does that even make sense?! A #firstworldproblem indeed. It's problematic, however, that I have no motivation for classes at all. The thought of them scare me, even. It doesn't help that I'm so disgusted by the characters of some of the facilitators (shame on you really - actually it's mainly that one douchebag's fault but.. it's not like the others are deserving of praise anyway) in the course. I detest the manner in which the course is conducted and the materials fail to engage me as well. I feel like the 6-month course is making a mockery of my 4-year university education. But that's no reason to give up and not try, isn't it? And so we trudge on with life, with the hope that tomorrow may be a better day.

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