Thursday, November 27, 2014

A Day of Rain

That was yesterday. 

(I think I can go audition for a melodrama already!)

I still haven't completely recovered from the sore throat (and then there were the mysterious insect bites or rashes last week) and.. the cold/flu just had to decide that it would be the perfect time to drop in for a visit, didn't it? This is seriously cray-cray man! A clean bill of health for the entire semester, until the last week of school at least, but now, I have to deal with headaches, stomachaches, mood swings, a sore throat and a sniffly runny nose. Sian ttm.

On the bright side, one more week stands between me and freedom. Just one more week. Let's hang in there and give it our best shot yeah. Happy times are not too far off in the distance!

(oh, and note to self: please don't forget to work on the assignment for the elective!)

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Our Imperfections can be Beautiful too.

It's been one and a half weeks of feeling sick and tired.

Enough is enough, can't this cough just go away already? I'm tired of waking up every morning with a dry throat and coughing like an old lady (they seem to call it dry retching, aka. having nothing to puke so one ends up puking air). It's probably a throat infection (and right when I recovered from another nasty bacterial infection) so come on, immune system! You can do it! Wipe out those bad bacteria! Exterminate them! Let's be healthy again! (exasperated) Then again, I hear that stress weakens the immune system so this probably explains why I'm still not well yet. I tell myself not to be too stressed out but my body isn't listening to my commands, I guess.

Right now, I have a splitting headache. Too many thoughts running around (quite chaotically) in this little mind of mine, driving me crazy, driving me nuts. The present, the future, the past, all crammed into one single time frame, a fragile frame that is straining to contain them all, a frame that is threatening to split at the edges and fall to pieces. Having to worry about them, to worry about myself, to worry about others, to be a considerate friend, to be a sensible child, to be a responsible individual, to be a grateful person, to be a mature self. It's taking a toll on my mental well-being (nothing that I can't handle yet, thankfully) but is this what people call 'life' and 'growing up'? I still haven't quite come to terms with the implications of growing up - or why it's associated with so many losses of precious things - and I'm not sure if I ever even want to accept them, if it means giving up on a part of oneself and losing the power of hope. As always, I know that we are always stronger than we believe ourselves to be. We'll make it through these "difficult times", we'll survive but will we be happy? I keep playing down the severity of these issues (it's hard not to, with this pretty messed up world that we live in - I mean, there are people suffering because of famines, civil wars, archaic unjust laws, terrorists, poverty and then, there's us on this little sunny island) in the hope that I will gain strength and motivation from the fact that we're a billion times more fortunate than many others out there, but sometimes, I wonder if this really makes things better (and not worse).

Hah, which brings me back to the same ol' questions again.

Not too long ago, I realised that a friend of mine was facing similar issues (what with the constant self doubt, disappointment and trivialising of problems) and I guess what we really need to do is to be honest with ourselves and face those problems head-on. The fact that people out there are possibly suffering worse fates (what society terms 'real and serious problems') doesn't make our problems any less significant or hurtful. After all, it's all very subjective - acknowledging and understanding that there are more 'important problems' than ours doesn't help lessen the pain we feel or take our worries away. Our problems may pale in comparison to worldly issues - we may feel foolish, angry and annoyed with our frailty- but.. at the end of the day, the point is that nothing changes. The world's still imperfect, we're still imperfect and everyone's issues remain unresolved. To us, these are the real problems. (anyway, one has to first get past these personal hurdles before going on to establish world peace right and rule the world right!)

So to this dear friend of mine, please don't be angry at yourself for being weak. Don't be disappointed in yourself for not being able to overcome those problems for now. (Yes, for now. Things will change.) You need time and your problems deserve every bit of attention and effort you can afford to give them. Don't get distracted or sidetracked by others. Begin with self-acceptance. You are imperfect but you are strong, and you will find a way out. It may take weeks, months or even years but please hang in there, the light at the end of the tunnel.. is real. I know it is and you need to believe in that. Always, always keep the faith.

Ah well.. (it would certainly do me good to listen to my own advice eh)


Life and its complexities.

- -

I came across this picture this afternoon when transferring photos from my sister's phone and hey, I really like it. What's so exceptional..? I just like everything that is expressed in the picture. Haha I guess I now know the reason for those insane urges to visit the beach. (:

Goodnight, all.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Happiest Day

This has been one of the happiest Saturday afternoons I've had this year.

(no, the elaborate romantic display is not intended for me)

Everyone was in high spirits and the place was filled with constant laughter and excited chatter - I don't think I've felt this relaxed and carefree in quite a while. For those five hours, work and school never once crossed my mind. It was just me, my family and overflowing happiness for all. Seeing the bright smiles on everyone's faces - my sister has got to be the happiest girl in the world today - brings me so much joy and merriness! (smiles)

Let's hold on tight to this precious memory, shall we all?

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Where has the fighting spirit gone?

I'm not sure if I'm simply lazy, tired or unwell. (I can't tell anymore)

Strange thoughts come and go,

The worries just keep building up,

Will we see a flying lid soon?

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Larks a-flying, shall we go catch them?

I'm supposed to be panicking and freaking out over all the outstanding tasks in my to-do list: dino's equity hypothetical question, the night elective's readings and drafting of applications, my economics paper, my readings for the week and judging by the rate at which this is going, possibly, everything and everyone else in the world but.. hey, I'm just chillin' right here. (laughs to self) I think my mind has just given up on work this weekend. Hah!

my very own family-friendly spongebob meme ^^)b

I just crashed from exhaustion on Thursday night, gave myself a break on Friday since it was a rainy day and Halloween (what a feeble excuse, I know), had classes half the day on Saturday and returned home late, which leaves me with one glorious Sunday to finish my work. I spent the day catching up on the economics module - which has been neglected for far too long - and now, I'm left with a maximum of three hours to complete the abovementioned tasks! Hahaha daebak, this just repeats week after week man!

I took a Halloween-themed picture this year although I didn't get to go out and partayyy! :D (will upload it tomorrow or something!)

Saturday, November 1, 2014


那时侯的他是一位让我十分崇敬的音乐小天才(至今也还是),也是一位敢勇于追求梦想的孩子。他很清楚路 - 是要用自己的力量闯出来的 - 而梦想,必须是个动词。因为没有付出,自然地也就没有回报。若要一片属于自己的天空,就得靠自己的力量来争取的!

谢谢你,没有你,我也不会有学吉他的勇气。(虽然不是弹得很好,不过我并没有忘记这个梦想哦!) 没有你,我也应该不会知道自己有多大的能耐去追求我的梦想。多亏你的无名网站,我才顺利地熬过高中吧...!通过你的歌曲,我也认识了感动,心动,勇往直前不退缩,的种种心情,慢慢地成长。

今天晚上听着你的歌,让我重温高中时期的那个我 - 好单纯,好有理想。

莫名的感动,莫名的悲伤。真是时间不留人呢... (叹)

