Sunday, November 2, 2014

Larks a-flying, shall we go catch them?

I'm supposed to be panicking and freaking out over all the outstanding tasks in my to-do list: dino's equity hypothetical question, the night elective's readings and drafting of applications, my economics paper, my readings for the week and judging by the rate at which this is going, possibly, everything and everyone else in the world but.. hey, I'm just chillin' right here. (laughs to self) I think my mind has just given up on work this weekend. Hah!

my very own family-friendly spongebob meme ^^)b

I just crashed from exhaustion on Thursday night, gave myself a break on Friday since it was a rainy day and Halloween (what a feeble excuse, I know), had classes half the day on Saturday and returned home late, which leaves me with one glorious Sunday to finish my work. I spent the day catching up on the economics module - which has been neglected for far too long - and now, I'm left with a maximum of three hours to complete the abovementioned tasks! Hahaha daebak, this just repeats week after week man!

I took a Halloween-themed picture this year although I didn't get to go out and partayyy! :D (will upload it tomorrow or something!)

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