Thursday, November 27, 2014

A Day of Rain

That was yesterday. 

(I think I can go audition for a melodrama already!)

I still haven't completely recovered from the sore throat (and then there were the mysterious insect bites or rashes last week) and.. the cold/flu just had to decide that it would be the perfect time to drop in for a visit, didn't it? This is seriously cray-cray man! A clean bill of health for the entire semester, until the last week of school at least, but now, I have to deal with headaches, stomachaches, mood swings, a sore throat and a sniffly runny nose. Sian ttm.

On the bright side, one more week stands between me and freedom. Just one more week. Let's hang in there and give it our best shot yeah. Happy times are not too far off in the distance!

(oh, and note to self: please don't forget to work on the assignment for the elective!)

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