Saturday, February 21, 2015

I'm.. still a kid.

I should quit the whining and stop being a brat about what he's doing, shouldn't I?

I myself think it's childish and petty at times but then again, am I not entitled to this at the very least? Am I not.. (hesitant)?

Do I always have to be all grown-uppish and be the sensible, understanding and empathetic one? Can't they (and perhaps the subconscious me as well) just give me a break and let me act like a kid sister for once? Can't they put themselves in my shoes and feel what I'm going through?

Sometimes, all I wish is for someone to be genuinely concerned about what I feel for a change.

(I laugh it off, as I always do.. but that doesn't mean I don't feel anything.)

Oh, and a note to self - do learn to be more tactful with people! Not everyone appreciates my directness hah.

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