Monday, March 23, 2015

In Loving Memory of Mr. Lee Kuan Yew

They used to call him my "偶像".

He was and he still is.

Perhaps it was National Education that worked, or maybe I simply gained awareness of politics early as a child but he was undoubtedly an important figure in my life. He may not have been a perfect person (I mean, who is?) but no one can deny his achievements and all that he had done for Singapore (to have to describe this in the past tense.. is heartbreaking beyond measure). I never got to meet him in reality to thank him for everything - a wish that never came true, if only I had tried harder - but I hope my sincere thoughts and well wishes over the past week have been communicated to him.. In spirit, in dreams, somehow.

Oh, and he will always be the cutest role model I've ever had (my little secret).

I woke up to the news of his demise and much of this morning and early afternoon was spent weeping in sadness. It reached a point where I wasn't sure who and what I was crying for anymore. My grandmother? My idol? Or was it just grief over the thought of losing yet another person? Sadness for the person who has to leave and misery for those who have to cope with the departure? This unbearable sadness and pain.. I'm honestly not quite sure how to deal with it. I know that life has to go on but.. with every departure, a little part of oneself dies inside. We, are no longer complete.

Then again, Mr. Lee, I hope that you're finally in a happy place, with the one true love of your life.

I'm immensely proud of you, Mr. Lee. Thank you for all that you have done for us, thank you for being such an inspiration to a little Singaporean girl. No amount of words can convey the respect and gratitude I have for you but.. from the very bottom of my heart, may your soul rest in peace.

From today onward, I'll try even harder to become a Singaporean citizen whom you will be proud of, to become a useful, productive citizen who loves her nation and who will carry on your legacy and make this little red dot on the world map shine even more brightly than before. We'll protect this nation that you've tried so hard to build up with our lives - or at the very least, I will do my part. I may have lost sight of this goal over the past few years but know that the patriotic flame burns on.




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