Sunday, March 15, 2015

Review of the past week

Penultimate presentation in university and I'm satisfied with my improvement thus far. I'm so glad that the nightmare of a presentation (called the ICCJ presentation) is now a thing of the past.. Yesterday's presentation was much better than I expected - I'm usually not too kind with evaluations of my own performances - but my friends said it was a good presentatio- SOBS - ion. She said I understood the presentation materials well and seemed passionate about the subject and another friend said the style was good... (bursts into tears)

Haha I'm just happy that I finally got a presentation right this semester! :') Tuesday's presentation wasn't bad but I stumbled a lil when reading the script (I realised the words were printed way too small only 5 minutes before the presentation and I couldn't see it clearly in the dark haha) so I'm overjoyed that Thursday's presentation went well. For all three presentations, I only had a day to memorise the script but for Thursday's presentation, I took a different approach. Rather than memorise, I chose to understand the script and it made things so much easier! \o/ Haha not that I didn't make an effort to understand the materials for the previous presentations(!) but it's difficult to commit to memory lengthy explanations of technical concepts like unilateral humanitarian intervention, belligerent reprisals and gender socialisation. I get what they are but when it comes to explaining the terms using legal/sociology jargon, I need a script. My brain isn't that capable of absorbing everything and having it imprinted on my mind within a day.

Anyway, random happy thoughts ^^

My Understanding Societies group!

Easter's coming! Heh supermarkets feel so bright and lovely :D

Stumbled upon a cool fruit place last week called Project Acai,

The Acai Bowl - filled with superfoods like Acai berry slush, blueberries, wolfberries, chia seed, bananas, grapes, mangoes, cocount shavings and granola. Cleanses your body and super healthy! (it will clean out your wallet too hahah) A small cup costs about $6.50, the medium bowl $9.50 and the biggest bowl (pictured here) is $13.90? Trust me, it's not very big.

Won a Line plushie, like finally!!

Was feeling sick a couple days back so I just ditched work and sat down for a drawing therapy session. These took me an hour to draw (digs a hole in ground and hides) ._. Instagram artists can come up with a full sketch in 15 minutes whereas I took a full hour to draw these. I need to get better. I know my mangaka dream is probably out of reach by now (waterfall) - sigh - but I really want to improve my drawing skills. Whether it comes true or not, I do not want to let go of this dream. To better sketches!

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