Sunday, June 28, 2015


In a historic ruling on 26 June 2015, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled in Obergefell v Hodges that the right to marriage equality is enshrined under the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment and that accordingly, same-sex marriages are now legal in America - all 50 states! Finally! It's a huge step forward for both the LGBT community and humanity and we can be assured that more progress will follow! Next up, Taiwan? 

Change might not come as quickly and easily for Singapore (I was very amused by the the dismal coverage in the papers) but it will happen sooner or later.. and the first to go will be none other than... s 377A. \o\ Thankfully, even if the legalisation of same-sex marriages doesn't happen in the next decade or so, I think Singapore is a pretty good place to be in (for the LGBT community). We may be a pretty conservative bunch but at the very least, we're tolerant and the majority of the population isn't for public shaming or what not. The religious diversity that the government protects so dearly also prevents any religious group from wielding disproportionate influence over state policies and offers said community a comfortable environment to thrive in. I once witnessed a gay couple sharing a kiss on the escalators at Shaw Centre - the really steep escalators stretching from the ground floor to the theatres - and what struck me then was not just how sweet the moment was (and it felt like it would never end heh since the escalators stretched on for like, forever haha) but how carefree and relaxed they looked, whether standing next to each other or sharing a smooch. Nobody gave them a second look - though they could have been staring out of the corners of their eyes, nobody gave judgmental grunts of disapproval and nobody shunned them. They were just like any other couple, albeit with more testosterone than usual haha (: I was so very proud of my country and her people in that very moment, to know that we're big-hearted enough (or magnanimous for some religious people) to accommodate people of all sexuality and glad that people with such preferences are able to live a normal, happy life.

Unfortunately, for as many rainbow flags that are flying up high and proud, there appears to be an equal number of bigoted, loathsome, sickening people around spreading their hate. Whine all you want, haters - our cheers will drown out your cries - ain't nothin gon' change for you vile creatures.  

I've been hearing/reading a lot about how the court decision actually goes beyond marriage equality to redefine marriage (and that is oppressive for certain Christians), about how allowing 5 judges, being mere mortals, to redefine marriage (against God's intent) is blasphemy and how the decision discriminates against Christians. Many religious individuals are also up in arms about how supporters of LGBT rights are being hypocritical for they are labelled as prejudicial, regressive sub-humans (when they state their stand) whereas the latter are lauded for their more progressive views and protected by the shield of freedom of speech. Much of their nonsense do not make sense, frankly. 

To start with, unless the people of the United States of America are 100% Christian (and even then, there are so many denominations of Christianity, such a scenario isn't realistic), why must/should the legal definition of marriage be consistent with that in the Bible? Or since when has it been the case? Well, the answer is that it hasn't been and it never will be. The state organ is intended to be separate from religion - it wasn't always like that but this is how it is right now (so deal with it); likewise, the law is free of overt religious influences, Christian or not. On the same note, a change in the legal definition of marriage isn't tantamount to redefining religious marriage for Christians (or attacking their faith and discriminating them, in the words of some believers). If you believe in a certain conception of marriage, then you are free to live by it. No one's forcing you to go against it! No one's forcing you to accept and adopt the new definition of marriage - yes, these narrow-minded people can still reject same-sex couples, put them down and act as if the law hadn't changed argh - but you can't and you should not deprive others of the right to get married! Sure, call them sinners who are all going to 'ell all you want but the point is, they don't care! Nobody cares! No one gives a hoot about what you think about THEIR lives! You can stick to your own beliefs and customs whereas the community will reap the benefits of the amended law - everyone's happy! (okay it's never that simple but hey, perhaps simplicity is what everyone needs right now) It's perfectly fine and completely acceptable for Christians and any other persons to hold anti-homosexuality views (I don't want to use 'homophobic' for that has negative connotations) - everyone is entitled to their own views along with the right to air those sentiments. Freedom of speech applies to everyone, pro-LGBT rights or not. No one's a bigot. Yet. But the minute this freedom is exploited and used to shame, humiliate, cause actual detriment to other individuals (eg. by blocking the passing of laws that would legalize same-sex marriages) and/or promote any form of conduct that deprives LGBT persons of their dignity and human rights (it's absolutely disgusting how some people treat homosexuals as subhumans or animals), that protection ceases. You can have your own opinions about marriage - there's nothing wrong - but the second you try to impose (emphasis added) them on other people (who you so conveniently forget are also entitled to their own views), nawnaw. Game over.

As for those oh-so-slippery arguments about how the legalisation of same-sex marriage will pave the way for worse things to come like bestiality and objectophilia (this is weird but.. who am I to judge) but that's not true. The most glaring flaw in them is that most arguments in favour of same-sex marriages (eg. right to a child, rights of a child from a same-sex family, marriage rights of the partner, rights of married couples, eg. housing, medical) don't apply to the abovementioned phenomenons(?). Your sofa husband wants health benefits? Or do you want to adopt a child with your kitty wife? I wouldn't put it past mankind to legalise such things though. Morality is a very subjective thing (as history has proven).

Admittedly, there may be a problem with Christian county clerks (having to issue marriage licenses), businesses, pastors, churches (who are unwilling to provide their services to same-sex couples) but that's a problem for another day.

For now, let's just celebrate this huge step for humanity! Rainbows (and unicorns)!

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Catching Up

My latest earpurins :D (I'll tell you why not 'earworm' in the next post)

Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran
I'm thinking 'bout how people fall in love in mysterious ways 
Maybe it's all part of a plan
Take me into your loving arms 
Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars 
Oh, darling, place your head on my beating heart

See You Again by Wiz Khalifa ft. Charlie Puth
How can we not talk about family when family's all that we got? 
Everything I went through you were standing there by my side 
And now you gon' be with me for the last ride

Pictures from the past couple weeks which I finally managed to extract from my phone! I didn't know a low phone memory would prevent the phone from connecting with my laptop :O

My new favourite shirt! 
No idea why the design attracts me so but I just lovee it! I first saw it in Taiwan but I couldn't buy it then cos the stallholder was missing so I was over the moon when I came across it in Bangkok hahah

My mum's always complaining about my dressing (it doesn't help to have a fellow law schoolmate-neighbour whose fashion style is seemingly inspired by haute fashion zz) so I dressed up all dainty and girly for a dinner. Complete with a clutch bag, heels and lipstick (which unfortunately got wiped off after the third course because someone forgot about the lipstick...... hahahah)!

The people I'm thankful to have with me in my life (:

JC Besties (: Qiqi, YY and Me
Lunch at Bread Yard and... Lunch/Tea at Taka

The MDSJ TW bunch! (missing Deb though)

The Sec Sch Besties <3
I love youu! Can we meet moree sobs!

I'm in love with Thai food lately so I've been visiting Nakhon Thai and Thai Tantric a lot! :D I need to visit Ah Loy Thai and Jai Thai with the family next!

Thai Tantric at Orchard Towers I - delicious and affordable authentic Thai cuisine
A meal for 2 sets you back by about $20-40 (the above cost me $34) - I recommend the egg wrapped around minced pork and their chicken fried rice (super savoury taste)!

(insert picture)
Nakhon Thai - crazy over its clear Tomyum Soup heh (I prefer the sweet-spicy kinds over the sour-spicy ones)

And then there's Cafe Pal... its seafood fried rice dish was extremely tasty (it was very fragrant mm and the grains soaked up the seafood stock well) but the prices are very wallet-unfriendly, portions were pretty stingy and overall, I found it a very pretentious Thai cafe. I understand that they're going for the atas feel and targeting the middle to upper-class customers but.. personally, there's a limit to how much I'm willing to pay for a good meal.

 Now we know Otah is steamed spicy mixed seafood mousse! -.-

Pretty lights/lanterns at a shop in Plaza Sing

Anyway, since the job search didn't work out, I've been spending my time on drawing practice!

Rapunzel (left); OC (right)

 Belle adaptation (left); OC (right)

Tetsuya #2 from Kuroko no Basuke (bottom); Naruto (top)

And a lot of random stuff like housekeeping (ma notes), housework (I hate ironing rawr), fixing toys, meeting friends, learning to cook and spending time with the family.

Speaking of which... I spent 4 hours at NUH Eye Centre yesterday with my mom (80% of which was spent in the waiting room) - how inefficient can they possibly get - and whilst it was absolutely boring, I worry about who will be accompanying my mom on the follow-up visit next month. Or just about whenever anyone needs such company once I start working too.. or after my sister moves out.. sigh.

Why does the hospital need/have such a great view, deadpans meself. 

A couple more weeks left till classes start.

Time for the body to start protesting? (I just wanna get well sooner)

Family ^^

The sister's getting married soon and we went to pick wedding dresses together! She looked gorgeous in every single dress - haha it was more of filtering out the dresses which were less pretty (and gosh, I can't believe how tacky some dresses looked.. it's criminal to even allow those designs into the market) - and it was really difficult to settle on just 3 dresses for the photoshoot. 3 dresses... How can anyone do a photoshoot with a measly 3 dresses?! Bridal photography studios are just meanie beans. (pouts) If only I were richer, I would totally sponsor a dress or two for her and make it the best wedding album ever! On the bright side, the actual day dress collection is so much better (phew, thankfully) so yay, more beautiful dresses to feast my eyes on! Pssst, honestly considering a wedding dress designer job right now heh :P

 Why is my sister so pretty??! Haha I loved all the mermaid dress series <3
The studio didn't let us take photographs so I only managed to sneak a few shots, boo.

The two families also met for the first time during the banquet dinner tasting session and well, glad that they finally met! I honestly think it's really weird that the families are only meeting after the decision to get married was made but seems like this is how couples do things these days!

The happy bride and me

                           Daddy, Sis, Me, Cousie                                 Mummy dearest and me

It was Daddy's big 60th birthday bash two days earlier too (this was early June)! Happy birthday Daddy! Some people don't understand why others make a big fuss out of birthday celebrations but when birthdays (or special days) are the only events on which we can express our affections for each other, you can be assured that birthdays will be as big a deal it can get to us. Which explains why the sister brought us to The Line at Shangri-La Hotel for a buffet dinner (hands down the best buffet in Singapore), got him a fancy gift and Daddy dearest had the privilege of enjoying 3 birthday cakes hahah (one was on the house though).
 寿桃 from me!


I also decided to make him a birthday card this year because.. 六十大寿嘛!I'm not sure what makes the ages of 16, 18, 21 and 60 so special but who cares, haha an occasion to celebrate is the time to celebrate \o/ The card didn't turn out as well as I intended it to be but he liked it.. so that's what matters!
Had to get out of the house to sketch this in secret haha

All coloured (and filled with my love)!
I really regretted the rainbow-coloured 'Happy' letters (orz) but sadly, there's no Crtl-Z when it comes to traditional drawing sobs

Heh, my logo ^^

Saturday, June 20, 2015

A Slow Saturday Afternoon

The last episode of <It's Okay, That's Love> was playing on the television this afternoon so I watched it again.. and once more, I am reminded of how amazing this drama is. Possibly the best drama of 2014 with the best drama OST of the year too. I was reduced to a pool of tears by the end of the episode - are my eyes still eyes or are they puddles of water hahah T.T

Some of my favourite songs from the drama (:

"It's Okay, It's Love" by Davichi
(the saddest track in the playlist - so sad, it deserves a mention)

"Best Luck" by Chen
(my favourite track!)

"U" by MC the Max
(not my favourite song but listening to it makes me teary)

The drama tells the story of a popular writer who suffers from schizophrenia and his subsequent recovery process after he meets an eclectic group of housemates, including two psychiatrists and a waiter with Tourette syndrome. The male lead manages to recover eventually with limited dependence on medication (not a spoiler since I already told you about the ending today haha), which is very comforting. Unfortunately, my aunt doesn't share his (good) luck because it doesn't seem like she's recovering anytime soon.. that is, if a complete recovery's even possible. My friend shares that schizophrenic patients typically require a lifetime of medication and psychotherapy but it appears that the former hasn't been particularly useful. I don't think she's undergoing therapy anymore as well. If only the people of the older generations had a clearer idea or understanding of the illness (and not have turned to religious remedies), she might have led a very different life. No one knows what caused it - the frustrating limitation of most psychiatric diagnoses - and it seems like the doctors have given up on treating her too, choosing to treat the symptoms instead of the root cause. I can't do a thing either. It's upsetting, worrying but nothing we do can help.. Perhaps we should visit her soon? Just drop in on a weekend and provide some chatter and noise, shall we?

Anyway, I can't get over how beautiful and charming (and skinny) the female lead, Gong Hyo Jin is. I love all her dramas! And how is she getting prettier and prettier with age?!

 오와 매력이 많다 !

Since we have quite a bit of songs in this post, I'll just throw in a Chinese song too!

"不能做朋友" by 金韓一 
(who's interestingly Korean but prolly only known in China/Taiwan where he made his debut!)

Oh, I feel like going to the beach. Shall we too?

Ooh, some happy stuff - I watched MINIONS yesterday!! *\o/* 

I even wore a minion shirt to the theatres ahahaha - though it was quite daunting having to wear it and walk about town (pained expression) before we relocated to the cinemas elsewhere - and took pictures with everything minion I saw. And boy, there were minions, minions, everywhere! HAHAHA Photos will come later, after I figure out why I can't transfer pictures from my phone!

I wore a minion shirt specially for the movie! (picture on right) Someone gave it to me as a present a long time ago - I can't remember who eeks - but I could never find an appropriate occasion to wear it.. till the release of the Minions movie haha

Me and Jiejie ^3^

 Post-movie supper at MacDonalds (Harbourfront) where there was Minion Mania

Bello! We want banana!

Tulaliloo ti amo!


Muak Muak Muak! Poopaye!

Thursday, June 18, 2015

I am so thankful to be alive.

Whenever I think of the Mount. Kinabalu quake and its unfortunate victims, I get reminded of the Sewol ferry incident that happened a year ago.. (and now there's the MERS outbreak) All these young lives - with all that potential in them - being snuffed out just like this. As if they never mattered in this world or meant a thing to anyone. How many of them were feeling excited about the life they never got to live? How many of them had aspirations they never got a chance to fulfill? How many of them had things they wanted to but never got to do? How many of them had words they never got to say - to tell others they loved them, thanked them, forgave them or felt sorry towards them? How many of them had to leave with regrets at that tender age? How many of them were afraid of leaving on their own? How many of them were clinging desperately to the very last hope of survival (that never materialised), reluctant to let go of what we call life?

I can hardly imagine how fearful they must have been in the last few moments of their lives. These children had their whole lives ahead of them. All that they had experienced thus far may have been just a teaser (of the greatness and wildness that awaited) but for some, it was more than enough - they had already learnt to expect, to dream, to yearn, to want - that is, all until fate came along and cruelly robbed them of all that. 

There might be no good explanation as to why we feel sorry and apologetic for all that others have lost - after all, their predicament is far removed from the local context and nothing we could have done would have made a difference - but it teaches us to treasure the things we have and cherish the people around us. In particular, this precious gift of life that we possess (and which so many others would trade anything for), we have to make the most of it. We must. We need to.. To endeavour to live a life worth living, to live a life we'll be proud of to call our own and to live a life which makes a positive difference in the lives of others. 

To do justice to all those lost souls, we must not squander this gift. 

Live a good life. Be a good person. Love the people around us. Love yourself.

Most importantly, be grateful to be alive.

I am thankful to be alive.

For what it's worth: it's never too late, or in my case, 
too early to be whoever you want to be. 
There's no time limit, stop whenever you want. 
You can change or stay the same, there are no rules to this thing ... 
I hope you live a life you're proud of. 
If you find that you're not, I hope you have the courage to start all over again. 
- F. Scott Fitzgerald

Saturday, June 13, 2015


Watched Mad Max today and wow, I haven't had such a satisfying watch in quite a while. It is completely deserving of the 5-star rating it got, every single one of those sparkly prized stars. In comparison, the 2.5-starred Tomorrowland deserved.. 0.5 star? - or if it can get any lower - 0.25 star? Watching Mad Max right after Tomorrowland honestly makes one wonder why anyone would even spend a single cent on producing the latter, much less $190 million. That money would be better spent on charity or anything else other than 2.5 hours of childish, cheesy and lame crap all rolled into one (even the British accents and the lead actress who resembles a younger and spunkier Jennifer Lawrence - to her credit, she did put up a spectacular performance - couldn't save the film this time). Then there was also Avengers which was just middling. Meh. In contrast, Mad Max was, in my friend's words, "show, don't tell, taken to its finest extreme." It's possibly the most badass movie of the year heh. I was so engrossed in the movie, I completely forgot that I was freezing cold until the credits started to roll haha (and I had a jacket with me!)

Charlize Theron's was splendid as Furiosa, the one-armed warrior (she was da (wo)man *_*) and Nicholas Hoult's emotional raw performance as Nux the War Boy tugged at my heartstrings (sobs, redemption doesn't come easy). Everyone did a fine job portraying their respective characters - Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, the new Transformers chick was gorrrrgeous - and it all came together exceptionally well. The movie wasn't without its gory moments though (cringes) the albino War Boys and Joe's freaky tumour-laden sons totally freaked me out D: but nobody can deny that the flame-throwing electric guitarist was cooooooool! hahahah it's ridiculous that the film's villain needed a rock band onsite during the war - they're just sitting ducks?! - but it was great entertainment for us, viewers!

A post on happy family events coming up soon so look out for that! ^^