Friday, April 18, 2014

Let's eat a cow. (maybe not)

I observed that the lunulae (the white crescent-shaped area on the bed of a fingernail) on my fingernails were receding and since the condition of our nails reflects our health, I thought I should get it checked out. It turns out that the absence of the lunula on our nails is an indication of vitamin B12 deficiency (there are many other causes but I think this is the cause in this case) and such vitamins are usually found in food items like meat, fish, eggs and milk. That was when I realised, oh my - I haven't been eating much meat lately. I don't think I've had a meal with proper meat (the slice of sausage in my kimbaps don't count) in the past 2 or 3 weeks! The fried chicken overload in the first two weeks of exchange must have scared me off meat so much, I have been subconsciously avoiding dishes with it. My lunches are usually vegan meals from Loving Hut, bread/cereal or some kind of stew from the school cafeteria. Stews form a huge part of my diet here and for some reason, unlike the Korean soup dishes back home, stews here (tofu stew, bean paste stew, kimchi stew etc.) have no meat. I think meat's expensive here so they don't bother including them in the soups - even if the stews are expensive.. Orz Likewise, I've been having a lot of stews and bibimbaps (all vegetables) for dinner so I think my body has picked up on the fact that the main source of vitamin B12 is missing. 

I decided that something had to be done about it so.. I went out for dinner with meaty dishes in mind. I was ready to chow down an entire cow. It was raining when I left the dormitory so I just walked to my favourite eatery (called Food Cafe, 10-15 minutes away) and ordered beef soup (뚝배기 불고기). As you know, I don't like beef but since Food Cafe doesn't have stuff like pork/chicken soup and I can't identify the stir-fried chicken dish on the menu, I thought bulgogi was a safe bet. Unfortunately, apart from that bit of vitamin I got from ingesting the beef, the only other thing I got was a reminder of the fact that I dislike beef. The taste...... arghuhfhuereoiwwfxliwp (throws hands up in air) hahaha 아 짜증나!

I have no idea why I constantly end up with things that I dislike eating when I'm in Korea. I have to eat beef, I have to eat kimchi, I have to eat onions (only because it's the only vegetable floating around in my soup), I have to eat pig's intestines (epic waste of money to eat those oily fried intestines) and the list goes on. 

In any case, dinner was awful but I couldn't let the day just end like that on a sour note! Hence, I went around searching for a post-dinner snack (teehee) and eventually ended up at... Baskin Robbins! Initially, I considered a much healthier option - Korean corn - but I figured it would be so chewy that I'll just end up feeling more tired than before so.. PASS! And since I haven't had ice cream in a while (the last time was probably a month ago at Macs here - this miserably thing they call choco McFlurry) + the ice cream is SO cheap (only 2800W for a regular cone) = I ended up with a Jamocha almond ice cream in hand. :D It was SO GOOD. hahaahahah I don't think I've had a cone like this all to myself in years (we usually share one back home) so it was a very refreshing experience to just nibble at it and lick it all over mhmhmhmmmmm yummmyy! The ice cream was chock full of halved almonds - my mom would lurveee it - and I can't wait to bring her there when she comes! For a moment, I completely forgot about my stomach discomfort and could thoroughly enjoy the little treat! Yippie! ^^

Speaking of which, I was quite unwell yesterday because I was suffering from a bad bout of indigestion. I've never suffered from severe indigestion before so I didn't know the symptoms and how bad it could get. The night before, I passed it off as a case of bloatedness (from say, excessive consumption of beans or tofu) but it wasn't till I woke up in the morning with abdominal pains, headache and an aching body, that I realised it was something more serious. As Dr. Maddie got to work with the (self-)diagnosis, I learnt for the first time that indigestion (and bloatedness) can actually cause headaches and body aches. I can't see the link between the two but yes, it does happen. It makes one feel utterly terrible (made worse by the professor who kept arrowing me to answer questions - why on earth does he like to call on me so much?!) because of the constant throbbing in one's head and the painful body aches (the kind which I associate with fevers). Fortunately, I feel much better today after getting some exercise, avoiding starchy things and drinking loads of water. My stomach still feels really weird but at least the aches are gone. Yippie again!

Cooked lunch today - stir-fried rice cakes with fishcakes, ramyeon, mushrooms and carrots  :D

I miss home so much more whenever I'm unwell because I think it would be such a nice feeling to have someone around showering their (healing) love, care and concern on me. Over here, whenever I feel less than well, the only thing I want is for people to stay away - rather than have me continue to act like I'm fine and well. Or be faced with dismissive attitudes. For instance, I was on my way back to class yesterday when I told my friend (who sits next to me in class) that I was feeling extremely uncomfortable and to my surprise, I was barely two sentences into the conversation when she suddenly stopped, turned and said, "hold my bottle for me, I'm going to the toilet." "Mouth hanging open in shock" would be a very appropriate expression here.


What a caring friend.

I don't need you to help me to the doctor or anything, but the very least you could do was to listen.


Which brings me to my next point - this is why I think it's best not to rely on people too much over here. I'm not particularly close to anyone here yet and since I don't have any best friends here on exchange with me (strange how so many people get to be with their best friends here), I think it's perfectly fine to go solo - I can jolly well take care of myself. If not for the family who thinks it to be an unwise idea for me to go travelling outside Seoul alone and the (very important) fact that I need a photographer friend to take pictures for me (wahahaa priority concern), I would have just set off on my own.

The thing with new people and associating with them is.. as much joy and happiness which you can derive from them, they are capable of disappointing you equally much as well. They can make you smile but at the same time, don't forget that they can hurt you too. Try not to expect anything and naturally, there wouldn't be much disappointment.

Enough of that talk, I hope tomorrow will be a more interesting and exciting day! Going to some lunchbox shop at some market (lol you can totally tell how much I've planned), hopefully the KTO building and still have time for an art museum visit! :D I still have a broccoli to cook so I should get back by evening to cook dinner. Yippie Yippie Yippie!

Oh! I went to Everland over the weekend so here are some lovely and magnificent photographs of the amusement park and the Tulip Festival! Enjoy! (I will upload the pictures tomorrow cos they're still sitting in my camera!)

 After about 2 hours, we finally reach the Everland.. shuttle bus stop!

 Little cuties that greeted me at the ticket counter.

 Ran into my friend, Pororo ^^ - but he's a bit shy..

 Monkey see monkey, monkey see, monkey do? (who copied who?)

 Animal Wonder Stage - trained animal performance (you get to see a not-so-tame eagle soar above you)

 Company for the day (: Jamaica and I!

 At Zootopia - which is basically a zoo (with all the animals you can imagine, even different breeds of owls!) inside the theme park.

 Souvenir shop...... *excited squeal*

 Just cos I like monkeys :P

CHURROS! the must-eat in amusement parks hehe

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