Tuesday, April 29, 2014


Part I.
A generous brush of green,
A pearl river running between.

Part II.
The leaves are back,
The flowers no longer shy,
The earth brims with life.

The hill transforms,
The trees orchestrating,
It's a colourful canvas -
Of noise, of colours, of smells,

The wind spreads the rainbow across the land,
The rain, it nourishes and cleanses,
The sun smiles brightly upon all,
Its warmth spreading throughout them.
Those that chirp,
          that buzz,
          that hop,
          that crawl,
          that fly,
          that walk,
They sense the awakening in the air,
Now, it's time for them to be out.
Out they are, in comes the season,
Spring is finally here.

On a side note, sigh. A few weeks back, I researched on must-visit places, came up with a long list of things and places to do/eat/visit in Korea and wrote it all down on a piece of paper (complete with directions and all).. but I think it's gone now. I can't find it anywhere in my bag or table. There goes my research and list of places to visit. Sigh. Sigh. Sigh.. How upsetting.

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