Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Offer: $10 for a tummyache, comes with a free beer!


I think baby Groot can dance better than me.

At least that's what I think after a night out at Clarke Quay last Friday. What was originally meant to be dinner spilled over into a drinking session (no surprise since our company for the night were Korean students) and after some amusing encounters with drunk people at the pub (more on that in a while), we were invited to enter the indoor dance floor for free! It was quite funny though because we looked and felt so terribly out of place in there. We were a group of teens (or young adults if you'd prefer) in casual attire, with backpacks, canvas bags, sneakers and all. To make things even more awkward, I was probably the only girl in the group who was in t-shirt (at least it was an expensive shirt but...*buries face in hands* ahaha) and shorts. Oh, the horror. The people in there were mostly adults, the majority of whom were non-Asians (save for a group of Thai tweenyboppers) so we really stood out.. for the wrong reasons. Hahaha it wasn't too bad for most of the Koreans since they enjoy dancing/clubbing - think sexy girl groups, albeit in inappropriate attire - but me? I can't dance for nuts! I just stood there, bobbed along to the music and out of the corner of my eye, I spied this other group of ladies checking us out and possibly, sniggering. I think my Bape monkey was all ready to make a dash for the door.

I believe we were given complimentary access to the dance floor because the pub singer made the request (since we were extremely enthusiastic and supportive of her singing *embarrassed cough*) and we were initially all thankful-was-it-excited-drunk-on-air-or-something but nayyy.. wrong venue, wrong attire, wrong crowd. We lingered in there for slightly over half an hour before we decided enough (awkwardness) was enough and left for home. The girls managed to get free shots of some fruity drink/alcohol from a whistle-toting dude before we left.. but that was really something I disagreed with. *disapproving frown* I have heard about such practices before, where employees of the club/pub go around giving free shots to women (in a bid to get them drunk or high, I don't exactly know) but the manner in which this was done was distasteful, in my opinion. It's fine to offer the drinks in shot glasses, in syringes (yes, syringes -.-) or in some random vessel capable of containing liquids but.. blowing the whistle loudly, tilting the ladies' chins back and pouring the drink (from a bottle) into their open mouths one after another... are we sheep or something?! Or ducklings waddling into the farm to be fed? It's a harmless act for sure - both sides benefit, slurp - but it just looks absolutely demeaning from a bystander's perspective. I may be surprised, owing to the fact that this is only my second time on the dance floor (and first time witnessing the "feeding" routine) but I doubt this feeling will go away even on subsequent visits. Not forgetting the lack of hygiene bit - nah. That said, not everyone feels the same way. Not that they have to - people go to clubs to have fun anyway - but yeap, just sharing my thoughts on the new things I see and experience everyday! Whee.

Back to the pre-dance floor events, so there we were, an excited bunch of kids at the pub, grooving along to music. Rather than being high on beer, we were enthralled by the superb singing (she really is that good - a pity I can't remember the name of the pub.. but I do remember the location of the place!). Alas, any place with alcohol comes with an accompanying serving of drunks and one such man half walked, half stumbled to our table and interrupted our evening. Clearly sloshed, he made one of the Korean guys do a couple shot with him and fortunately, our friend was very friendly and accommodating. I felt slightly bad for the drunk man's lady companion though - she was visibly stressed out by her partner's wild behavior and when we left for the night, she was leaning against the wall next to the pub smoking, with a frown etched on her pretty face. Responsible drinking, people! If you know you can't hold your liquor well, don't go buying the hugestass bottle of champagne! The height of the bottle was comparable to that of a pail/bucket! The guy started off with downing glasses of champagne but when he was on the verge of losing control of his mental faculties (or perhaps he had already lost it, judging by his actions), he.. (holds back laughter) went to get a straw and starting sipping champagne from that hugeass bottle. It was like a 3cm straw sticking out of a 70cm-tall bottle. Funny leh. Bahahaha.

After he wandered away, spilling precious champagne all over the place and breaking our beer glass (that was just weird - no idea why his friend slapped him on the knee, causing him to drop the glass), this cherubic-looking Caucasian couple (in their 60s or 70s) came forward to the open area in front of our table and started dancing. (laughs more) The man was really hyped up and kept jio-ing guests to join him and his wife(?).

We weren't "spared" of course and.. there goes my very first out-of-school dance (see the pair of girls on the left - yeah, we danced exactly like them lollll)! To this stout, smiley, middle-aged man from who-knows-where! It's not anything bad.. but it was just so, ridiculously comical. I laughed till I almost lost my voice that night lol X)

It was a fun Friday night overall, meeting new people, making new friends, trying new food (some famous Bak Kut Teh stall across Clarke Quay) and of course, stepping out of my comfort zone. (: It reminded me once again that I shouldn't take beer - to spare my stomach the suffering the next day - but oh well, there's always a trade-off in life, ain't there.

Oh, and can someone teach me to dance? Haha wayy too stiff! (bahahahhaah)


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