Friday, July 24, 2015

Screw you! ^^

To the shitface who commented that Findlay's lesson was "Madeline fucking boring", this is for you.

I'm not sure why I've been replaying that encounter over and over in my mind lately - perhaps it's the anger boiling over and there's really no outlet to vent the frustration (but you can tell that I was traumatised, considering how it stuck around in my mind) - but I've decided that I'll no longer tolerate such nonsense from people anymore, regardless of whether the disgusting loach is a batchmate, someone higher up/same level/lower in the profession and/or younger/older than me. (If it's the former two, you should be thoroughly ashamed of yourself. All that education gone to waste on you, this sad, pathetic excuse for a human being) That practical concern might have held me back then, together with the shock/surprise (of course) but nope, not anymore. No one, I repeat, no one should be allowed to get away with insults, especially unwarranted ones, (I mean like dude, I don't even talk to you. In fact, I haven't spoken to you in close to three years and that's the first thing you say? What would you even know about me? Do you even know shit about anything?) You could have very well left the seminar room without anyone noticing.. but you just had to walk through the middle aisle, pause to talk to us and conveniently throw out an insult, didn't you? I admit that I was too stunned to respond - I don't even know what I said although I recall mumbling something and trying to brush the insult off (a weak reaction I now despise) - but you know what, I will never let history repeat itself ever again. I know there are people who joke around with insults and I often refrain from reacting in a certain way because I don't want to risk ruining those relations but.. that mindset's been thrown out the window by now. People have to take responsibility for what they say - if you can't bear the consequences, then think before you act. If otherwise, I don't think the current me would care very much to have you as a friend/acquaintance either. It would be more like, good riddance? 

I may be quiet and reserved around people but that doesn't mean I'm a pushover. Try pushing and I'll crush you, I promise. Maintaining decent relations with people may be important but to stand up for oneself is even more important. (remember the be-someone-I'll-be-proud-of bit I've mentioned in previous posts?) If it means learning/getting used to swear(ing), then so be it.

Anyway I didn't/couldn't say it then but this:

"Oh really? It's thankful then, since it means the class wasn't half as fucking boring as you. 
Shouldn't you be on your way out..? 
While you're at it, why not try jumping from your IQ to your EQ? Should be fun."
(and you know what, his IQ doesn't even have to be very high for it to work)

I'm glad to get this off my chest - the girls helped (thank you if you're reading this) - and rest assured that I'll only grow stronger through this experience.

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