Thursday, July 30, 2015

Snooze Mode

Impossibly sleepy.

So groggy from the lack of sleep, I feel almost drunk ._.

I didn't have a restful night yesterday so having to wake up early this morning to accompany my mum for her doctor appointment was.. difficult. Haha I felt like someone had to pry me off the bed (the same way one pries off a fried egg from a non-stick pan) because my inner Snorlax had glued itself to the bed. I hate bad dreams, really. I'm asleep (and hence, the dreams) but I feel like I'm hardly getting any rest. I need sleep.. but I need to do my work too. (yells in frustration) And it seems like there's a 79-page tutorial for one lesson next week?? I honestly don't get why classes are structured this way - how is it realistic to master a subject over 4-6 practice sessions?! A syllabus that took us close to a semester to cover back in university (and that's not even the full picture) - they're trying to complete in 6 to 7.5 hours (1.5 hrs x 4/5)..?! Like.. whut?! 

Anyway, we've been here for 3 hours already and the consultation/tests are still not done. I thought it would be far more efficient in the morning - the afternoon appointment last month saw a wait of 4-5 hours - but nope, "efficiency" probably doesn't exist around these cold, clinical halls. Perhaps.. they're striving to be as inefficient as possible..? It's a possibility! 

Anyway, so looking forward to the end of class today. Come, freedom, comeee! Let mama give you a biggg hug!

Home and showered! Had a good dinner with the girls, was surprised with a not-so-surprising slice of birthday cake (haha our birthday surprises always faillll) and got a very lovely card from them. I can't ever express enough how glad I am to have met this bunch of friends in university.. just seeing them helps put a smile on my face ^^ anyway, I should sleep soon zz! Been up for far too many hours zzzzzzzz

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