Saturday, February 22, 2014

1am in Seoul

I'm freezing.

That pretty sums up my day (or days) here haha Today was especially cold because temperatures dropped to an all-time low of -5 degrees this morning and since we travelled out of Seoul to Gyeonggi-do, it was even more chilly! It was -5 degrees when we reached Cheongpyeong station at 4pm and although the temperature did rise slightly in the evening according to my Weather app, we hardly noticed a difference. The temperature probably wasn't an accurate reflection in any case because we were headed to the Gardens of Morning Calm (아침고요수목원), which sits at the middle of a mountain. That simply translates into SUPER C.O.L.D air/temperature/garden/me/mum. It's the painful sort of coldddd if you're trying to imagine what we were experiencing- I was wearing winter gloves (the thick wooly type you can wear when playing with snow) but I guessed the cold blatantly waltzed through the tiny gaps in the glove before proceeding to freeze my fingers. The end result? Cold and pinkish hands- I'm not sure what the gloves actually achieved during my time at the garden.. Since it failed to keep me warm, perhaps its function was to interfere with my photo-taking and annoy me by sending wool fibres flying into my mouth. (rawrs)

That said, Gardens of Morning Calm was an amazingly wonderful place- I don't have any pictures on my phone right now (so those enchanting shots will come later) but you can check it out at:! It looks exactly the same- a mesmerising and dreamy landscape! If you're too lazy to check out the link, just admire the background of my blog - it's a picture of the Gardens!

I have lots more to blog about (a lil voice in my head actually narrated an awesome review of today's schedule) but because it's getting late, I'm going to stop here for now! Lest my mum wakes up and starts nagging to get me to go to bed heh.

Some stuff I could blog about next time:
- How fitting in been has been like; things I like and things I don't
- Visiting Hyehwa again
- Visiting Yonsei University
- Music

Till we meet again! (:

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