Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Time to Move In!

And so.. the day to move into the dormitory (SK Global House) has finally arrived!

It was an exhausting journey to the dormitory because the baggage count has increased over the past week >.< haha I know have 1 luggage and 3 handheld bags (crazy, I know- stop judging! ahahah) The new bag was acquired yesterday to store my new clothes and existing coats/sweaters which I had to transfer from my mum's luggage. The purple luggage with the black bag (sitting atop) probably weighs in at 23-25kg so that was enough to keep one or even both hands busy. So that left our 3 free hands with 2 other bags, 2 plastic bags (not mine) and 1 laptop bag. All I can say is that my arm almost fell off from all the pulling-dragging-pushing-holding-lifting.

After all that drama on the streets of Dongdaemum, we successfully arrived at our dormitory - I still feel very surprised that the cabbie didn't get lost (thumbs up) - and as we later found out, yes, our dormitory is super ulu. It's a 25-30 minutes walk to the university's entrance (where all the good food and stores are) and depending on the route taken, a 20 or 40-minute walk to the Sinchon Subway station. If that isn't a good enough deterrent to going out, I don't know what is. Apparently, they have shuttle bus services but when I asked about it, I was directed to take the public bus to the university's entrance instead (around 10-minute walk). *facepalms*

Anyway, here are some pictures of my dorm! It's a double room so you're only seeing one-half of the 19 square metres room.

My wonderful table and shelves (: Level 2 is practically a mini supermarket heh
(and you spy piglet's butt!)

Left Level 3 for textbooks or files!
(ascending levels but in descending importance hehe)

My Minnie Mouse bed! hahaha and of course, my globetrotting piglet! <3

We have orientation at 9am tomorrow so I guess I'm gonna go to bed after checking with the sister if my mother has arrived in Singapore! <3 Till then!


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