Sunday, February 23, 2014

It's too soon to say (a temporary) goodbye again

It's kinda worrying how the fire alarm goes off in the train station and yet, no one gives a hoot about it. Worse still, there was an announcement being made (prolly in Korean) but.. no one could hear it over the blaring of the siren. I don't even know if a fire has broken out for real and whether we should run before the entire herd comes trampling after.. They really should consider erecting a huge flashing LED sign that spells out "RUN" in various languages- that would better ensure the safety of foreigners in Korea (if they care enough, that is).

Another grouse I have is public spitting. Oh. My. God. To think that I was skipping around my apartment in my shoes. Time to disinfect the entire floor hahah. It's damn gross (although I recognise that it's entirely in accordance with societal norms for them, I guess) to watch them spit on the road and walk/pedal away. Fine much? The government would grow very rich if they decided to fine every act of public spitting. It's a pretty good source of revenue (: They should think about it!

(Today, I was standing on the sidewalk at Myeongdong when this lady who paused in front of me rudely spat something out onto the ground. I can't even describe the disgust I felt as the unknown object flew into my line of sight; it was like, 5cm away from me. Watching the unknown object's trajectory was more than repulsive. GO AWAY GAHHH.)

Moving on, I don't think I can ever get used to being shoved around unceremoniously on trains either. Unlike Singapore where personal space is highly valued, they will have none of that here. Having people walk into my bagpack and knock me off my path (my centre of gravity shifts backwards due to my heavy bag and thus, I move when it moves) is a very common phenomenon. It happens on the train (even when there's loads of walking space behind), on the streets (every single, @3$%*#@ moment) and even when I'm sitting down on a bench for breakfast. I get that it may be crowded at times but I would appreciate VERY MUCH if people could just be more conscious about the fact that they're hitting someone indirectly and at the very least, make a conscious effort to reduce the impact upon contact. That would make a world of a difference. An apology would be like a hundred cherries on top! Meanwhile, I would also prefer less body contact, thank you very much! Rants aside, I doubt this will change very much so till I get used to it, it's time to learn some nasty-but-effective skill of elbow-pushing-and-shoving! (I don't think I can ever be that rude, sigh)

Enough of ranting.

Time to talk a little about more serious stuff.. like, the fact that my mother is going back to Singapore tomorrow evening. 




(curls up in a ball)

I've been so happy to have her with me for the past week (at least there's someone to talk to, to care about, to eat with, to hug and to be cared for by) so I guess it's normal for me to feel upset now that she's going back home. As always, it's a very surreal feeling knowing that I will be quite alone for the next few months after tomorrow. Hah.

You might ask, "Why? Don't you have a roommate?".. but I'll leave that story for another day.

I'll be moving into hostel tomorrow and then sending my mother off at the airport so I guess posts will have to wait till tomorrow night! Bye for now and amazing pictures will be up once I transfer them from my phone/camera to the computer!

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