Monday, April 13, 2015

Sleep Deprived

Year 4, Week 15 Monday: I find out that it's not only possible to survive on 2 hours of sleep, it's also doable to go for an exam after that!

Walking zombie, that was what I felt like when I walked (or zombied) through the concourse to the Admin building. When I made my way to the Biz building after that, trudging against the wind felt as if.. I was lugging a tonne of weights behind me. I'm not sure what caused the sleepless night (the mind stubbornly refused to call it a night and my thoughts were all over the place) but boy, it has gotta to count among the nastiest feelings around. Morning felt surreal. I was awake but I wasn't alert in the least. Haha in hindsight, it was kinda funny how I had to peer real closely at the question paper for the MCQ section lest I accidentally selected the wrong option - which is a real possibility when the mind isn't focusing.

Random Word of the day: Gauche (unsophisticated and socially awkward)

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