Saturday, June 21, 2014

Call me Hulk.

This is what I felt like after two trips to the post office on consecutive days. 

The first day really pushed my limits - to carry a 11.9kg box down the hill to the school building? 진짜 장난 아냐..! It was certainly heavy but what got to me was the uncomfortable width of the box - it was far too wide for me to hold onto the box properly and the sides kept digging painfully into my elbows/arms/stomach.. ): I was most worried about my back because it hurt so much, despite the fact that I had used the best posture (or at least I hope I did haha) for lifting items. It was a long, arduous walk but hey, I eventually managed to get it to the post office without any help. I could have asked a guy friend for help.. but I just don't feel too good about asking for such favors from people, especially when I know that it will be physically exhausting - it's kinda like a 'it's-my-load-so-I-should-carry-it-myself-why-subject-someone-else-to-that' reasoning. Tough on me.

Alas! I realised when I got back to my room (probably after 1 hour lol) that hohoho (this is what a sad santa will sound like), all my things ain't gonna fit into my 2 luggages so woohoo (delusional now), time for another trip to the post office! This time round, the box was much lighter (I think it was around 9.2kg?) but the walk down was worse than the day before T^T because firstly, I was still aching from the previous day's trip, secondly, my arm muscles were sore and lastly, the width of the box was even longer. Orz The previous box was a size 4 whereas the new box was size 5... Haha that explains why I have bruises on my arms right now. My roommate was so kind as to help me carry the box for the last 100m - she was on her way out and she actually took the hill route so that she could catch up with and help me with the box :') - but by the time I reached the last 100m mark, I was literally drenched in sweat and jelly-fingered/handed/legged. When we got to the post office, I was literally dripping sweat. (._.)\ Did I mention that my back and arms hurt like mad now?

I somehow end up having these Hulkian moments on every trip. Gah. Perhaps I need to be like those girls I meet on my way down the hill - find a GUY to do the job for me. Hahaha, maybe not. X)

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