Thursday, June 26, 2014

Soundproof, not!

I was quite surprised to see the description that the rooms at my place are soundproof (sounds too good to be true) and haha as I've found, soundproof their heads la!

The first morning, I was awakened by the sound of someone trying to open the door - I honestly thought someone was trying to break in -.- so I sat up, alert. It was only when the vacuum came to life that I realised the housekeeper was cleaning the room next door.. (facepalms) Soundproof walls? Sounded more like the walls didn't even exist.. Then the housekeeper tried to unlock my door (I saw the doorknob moving) and that freaked me out ahahha XD That was when I decided it was time for me to wake up haha :P

Then, the next afternoon, I realised that gosh, even the doors weren't keeping the noise in! I could hear the ladies chatting and laughing in their rooms as I sat in the pantry..! Oh noo, can people hear me talking in my room???

Tonight's observation has got to take the cake though. LOL. I could hear someone.. showering and clearing his throat!!! Hahhahaha that was an epic facepalm moment..! Biggest joke (about soundproof rooms ever)!

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