Monday, December 14, 2015

The darkest days in pictures

Part B Exams


8 exams, 8 hoops, 8 tries.
It was less of a test of abilities and more a test of luck.

It has been one 'ell of a roller coaster ride (mostly heart-stopping vertical drops) and also one that I hope I'll never have to experience again. Please let me pass all my papers and finally put these horrid days behind me. Here's how the past 1.5 weeks have been..

12 hours before exams
"I've clearly studied all of these two weeks back but why can't I remember anything now?! Worse still, why does it all look so unfamiliar to me??! Does this mean I have to run through everything again? But I'm running out of timeeeeee (goes into a fit).."

During the exams
Game rules: 100 balloons, pop 51 to pass.

After every exam
"I'm useless and I don't deserve anything."

To the exams:

I shall not elaborate on how difficult a time it has been (because who needs more negativity in their lives) but the past few weeks have truly helped me realise just how weak and fragile the human soul could possibly be.. and yet at the same time, I've also discovered that we are only as strong as we believe ourselves to be and that as long as we have faith, we are undefeatable.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Music has no boundaries.

Stayed up to catch the final performance by Psy for the MAMA awards (Mnet Asian Music Awards) and boy, Psy did not disappoint. Psy completely slayed his performances tonight. "Bell-bottoms" is a real ear-pleaser and "Daddy" is a complete riot hahahah ("I got it from my Daddy" *shakes entire body in an 80s disco-esque fashion*)! Although many have criticised Psy for replicating the bridge/hook from Gangnam Style" in "Daddy" and accused him of being unoriginal and outdated, I think he did a pretty fine job with the latter. Personally, I'm not a fan of songs which contain similar (or worse still, identical) hooks/tunes/melodies or what not as the artiste's earlier works - just look at BTS's "Run" and "I Need You" (quite a pity) and perhaps even some B.A.P.'s songs - and hence, I initially shared the view that Psy had finally run out of ideas, that "Gangnam Style" was a one-time hit and I was quite critical of the odds of "Daddy"'s success. However, after watching Psy perform both songs consecutively (what better chance to compare both hits), I realised that this is very much a case of "same-same and yet, very different"! They may share a common bridge (say, 20-second portion of the song) but the feel and concept of the songs are totally different. Listened to in their entirety, strangely, the songs sound nothing alike at all! Haha is it magic or what! Psy's magic?! (I think he could pull off a decent magician look haha)

Anyway, I stayed up to catch his performances because I wanted to show them to my sister and dad so badly and yay, they managed to catch it on tv and LOVED the song to bits! Hahah I was so excited to let them listen to "Daddy" once it was released because I just knew they would love it hee ^^ so I was super looking forward to sharing the song with them! (the alternative to staying up would be to show them the MV on Youtube but there's simply no comparing a live performance on tv to a recorded version on my computer screen) My dad really enjoyed "Gangnam Style" back then ahahha and my sister was addicted to the dance (lol which till today, I refuse to do) so I just knew that "Daddy" would qualify as their latest Kpop craze :P I'm so happy and contented that we had that much fun standing in front of the tv for 8 whole minutes, united in our (futile?) attempts to dance-wiggle-shake and sing along to the music. Life's simple joys indeed. Few and far between.. but they do exist. I was truly happy in those 8 minutes. They were too.

To quote the MAMA Awards' tagline, "Music Makes One" and tonight, I'm grateful that Psy's music brought us together (even if for a short period of time) as a family.

Monday, November 23, 2015

The Cookie Law

So, apparently EU laws require me to give notice to EU readers that this blog uses cookies (and nuggets).. I've checked and the Google notification works fine but no harm giving another reminder, lest the notification screws up and we all know that technology screws up at times.

Welcome! Thanks for stopping by!

If you disagree to the use of cookies on the site (cookie monster will be one very unhappy monster though), mouse over to the 'x' button (the black or red one works) on the top right-hand corner of your screen and click on it. If that still doesn't close the site, proceed to throw real cookies at your computer.

Nuggets. Mm, haven't had one in ages.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

First World Problem

Deletes Facebook and Messenger,
Ends up spending more time on Instagram and Twitter...

Saturday, November 7, 2015

We are all human.

My friend had free tickets for the movie <Northern Line Limit> (it was showing as part of the Korean Film Festival 2015 which is co-organised by the Korean Embassy) and since I like one of the actors in the movie, I got three tickets from him and brought my sister and her boyfriend along to watch it. I walked into the theatre all excited and happy but sigh.. I left with a very heavy heart (and a bad headache - that was how distressed I felt). Damn. I didn't expect the movie to be about such deep and heavy life and death stuff.

The movie tells the story of the Second Battle of Yeonpyeong where two North Korean vessels, in an act of belligerence (and lunacy an- I HATE THEM ARGH), crossed the Northern Limit Line (which marks the boundary between North Korea's and South Korea's waters) and attacked a South Korean patrol vessel. The South Koreans were at a disadvantage because firstly, they were caught off guard; secondly, the rules of engagement prohibited them from taking the offensive and firing at hostile North Korean vessels venturing into South Korea's territorial waters (to deter them) before the latter get a chance to attack them and lastly, as a result of the rules, their ship was placed in a vulnerable position (to attacks). The crew on the patrol vessel never saw the attack coming and whilst they tried their very best to defend their ship, scenes of devastation unfolded on the decks of PKM-357, leaving 6 dead and 19 injured. Those were men with families, men with hopes and dreams, men with a future! Having to witness all those innocent lives being lost, families ruined, happiness destroyed.. simply because of the antagonistic Northies' irrational and useless display of force (to what end, I have no idea since they achieved nothing but serious casualties to both sides) was an extremely traumatic experience. Sure enough, the loss of the sailors' lives was highly upsetting but it was the sheer depravity of the Northies' actions that was beyond shocking.. and not forgetting the brutality and pure savagery of wars and conflict.. both of which frighten and disgust me to no end. Because of one man's (loopy) decision, so many soldiers perished, both Northies and Southies. Wars don't kill people. People kill people. Likewise, medicine doesn't save people. People are the ones with the ability to save others. I can hardly imagine how twisted and grotesque the Northies' minds and hearts are for them to inflict this level of pain and suffering on their fellow countrymen (to a certain extent) or rather, on fellow human beings. Are they even human?

I've always known that I can't deal with loss and grief well.. but having to watch scenes from the actual broadcast of the sailors'/soldiers' funerals, bereaved persons burying their loved ones and interview clips of the survivors.. was gut-wrenching and so very painful. With the footage, the soldiers were no longer faceless victims. They were real people with real lives, some of whom are even younger than us. It felt almost as if the actual violence was playing out right in front of us and we were watching them die.. helpless and frustrating, both them and us. The movie was a sobering and unpleasant reminder of one's mortality and the reality that is known as war.

We destroy as much as we create. Humans have so much capacity for peace.. but unfortunately, human nature is not incorruptible when faced with the allure of fame, fortune and power. And then there are those who just want to watch the world burn.

I'm incredibly thankful that I live in a country relatively unaffected by the war and violence that plague many other regions currently but... every now and then, I wonder about our right and entitlement to lead such a safe, sheltered life when our fellow people are suffering out there, being oppressed, exploited and slaughtered. The war they are fighting may be far removed from our reality as we know it (I mean, how many children in your country do you think can connect/relate to/empathise with a child in say, Syria or Palestine?).. but does that give us the right to turn a blind eye to their plights? To continue living our happy, satisfying lives? Is that what we should be doing? Do we owe a responsibility to the rest of our kind? To be honest, I admit there's not much that ordinary people like you and me can do - we can't fight the wars for them but neither do we have the power to stop the perpetrators - but can we not do something? At the very least, make sure they don't feel forsaken? Are we really so weak, so helpless? (desperate plea)

Never forget, the things we take for granted, someone else is praying for.

To the fallen soldiers, I salute you for your courage and unyielding spirit. 
You were strong, stronger than anyone else could have been, in the face of death.
May your souls be at peace and may you be reborn in a world rid of violence, hatred and destruction.
A happier, safer world we can call our home.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015


I can't believe I just did an Anxiety Profile Test and tadaaa, I scored 66 points on the anxiety scale, which is supposedly one calibration above 'Moderate' (⋟﹏⋞) (so there's still hope hahah)

The site gave me this description:
It's hard for you to enjoy life on any consistent level. You're hardly ever experiencing a peace of mind. You're often fearful, worrisome, and unhappy. You don't like being this way but you don't know what to do to change. Things are too much work and no one understands the way you feel. You wear yourself out with your thoughts and "What-if" thinking. You can be happy and confident again. You just need a clear plan of action and the right tools. (yay)

Then again, gotta take the results with a pinch of salt because the site was attempting to sell some technology solution to the whole anxiety problem (which popped up along with the test results) and well, if someone has an interest in selling you a product/service, it would be wise to believe only just about half (or even less) of everything they say. ╮(╯_╰)╭

Anyway, some quotes that I came across this week which I thought were worth sharing:

"I used to dislike being sensitive. I thought it made me weak. But take away that single trait, and you take away the very essence of who I am. You take away my conscience, my ability to empathize, my intuition, my creativity, my deep appreciation of the little things, my vivid inner life, my keen awareness to others pain and my passion for it all." - Caitlin Japa

And I really, really like this:

I’ve become skeptical of the unwritten rule that just because a boy and girl appear in the same feature, a romance must ensue. Rather, I want to portray a slightly different relationship, one where the two mutually inspire each other to live – if I’ m able to, then perhaps I’ll be closer to portraying a true expression of love.” - Hayao Miyazaki

I don't agree with this but somehow, the writing seems to romanticise it all and make it feel beautiful:

"The happening and telling are very different things. This doesn’t mean that the story isn’t true, only that I honestly don’t know anymore if I really remember it or only remember how to tell it... 
Language does this to our memories - simplifies, solidifies, codifies, mummifies. An oft told story is like a photograph in a family album; eventually, it replaces the moment it was meant to capture." - Karen Joy Fowler in 'We are all completely beside ourselves'

I'm not sure who this lady is - I will find out in due course - but her quotes are magical!

Yes, yes, yes!!


I was supposed to do work but I got carried away... and now I'm tired.. so I guess I'll have an early night today! Goodnight folks! May there be magic in your dreams!

Thursday, October 22, 2015



就今天刚看了《爱上哥们》第一集,觉得剧情有点扯,不说出来还真的不行。剧情的大纲讲述女主角(琵亞諾)因為算命師的一句話必须从出生的那一天女扮男装,一直到26岁才能恢复女儿身。当然在这过程当中,她会遇到一堆会爱上她的花美男,而她也会渐渐地找回自己,找回信心,最后找到属于自己的 “happily ever after”。有点像韩剧《原来是美男》长大版的感觉。

看完了一集,大致上其实还不错... 只不过剧情一开始太匆忙了,少了点真实感,多了些 ”你这是来真的啊?!" 拿个比例说,在女主角救了男主角和他的妹妹后,他们的母亲就邀了女主角陪同他们一起吃饭作谢礼。让我傻眼的是他的妹妹和妈妈在吃饭时,毫无保留地说起男主角其实是多么的可怜,寂寞,没朋友,是个外刚内柔的孤独老大 (反正有多悲惨就有多悲惨)- 然后很诚恳地请女主角做男主角的朋友。我的天呀,好歹你们也是黑道之家耶!在来历不明的陌生人前,把你们的aniki说得如此可怜,还把他的弱点全秀给你们认识连一天不到的陌生人- 真不知这是天真还是愚蠢。(你们真的是黑道吗)你们是没在看最近的连续剧啊- 现在敌人的策略已经upgrade到‘先救再杀’/‘坏人假装是朋友’/‘让你爱上我了再捅死你’(他们有够奸诈的)!还有还有还有,现在是你们要报答女主角,怎么变成是她必须答应做你们家儿子的朋友?!这是哪来的报恩啊?女主角也好像搞不清楚状况... 人家说自己有多可怜,你就这么轻易地相信吗??况且人家是黑道,还是一支的!不是闹着玩的哦!亏你还那么诚恳地问,“所以你也是没有朋友?”你不怕被他砍啊!抱歉,换成是我看到aniki时,第一反应就是拔腿就跑,才不管他有没有朋友哈哈(这也才是正常反应吧)

答应做男主角朋友后,他的妈妈竟然把他们俩带到寺庙,要他们结拜成兄弟?! 你的妈呀,答应跟你儿子做个朋友的意思真的很纯粹很简单。就单纯做。普。通。朋。友。啊!偶尔出去吃个饭,聊聊天,一起打球唱歌喝酒追女生的那种朋友!而万万不代表说要跟你儿子作结拜兄弟,做那种同年同月同日生,同年同月同日死的拜把兄弟(对不起,还不到那个程度好吗)。她可能连跟她的父母都没那么亲,你现在要她和一个陌生的黑道混混跟关羽刘备一样?(摇头)才刚认识不久,话也可能说不上20句,你却要求女主角和你的儿子交换液体(滴血结拜啦哈哈),乱许下承诺。你哪时代的啊... 然而,女主角很(不)奇妙地答应了- 她脑袋里是装浆糊?爸比妈咪从小教你说不要和陌生人讲话做朋友,你不止不听,还跑去和陌生人乱结拜(够屌,有你的)。

后面那男生于男生跳舞的部分也够恶的(别误会,我支持彩虹)- 只是男主角演得怪怪的。我之所以看得下去是因为我知道女主角是女的...不过男主角也表现得太自然了吧... 让我怀疑男主角的性取向其实是男女都okay的。要不然,和另一个男生搂腰牵手近距离接触这种事... 他怎么能如此冷静,还有点乐在其中的感觉啊!(惊)




超好笑的 'ootd' 照 (好做作哈哈)

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Hello, Bunny! :P

I realise that I haven't posted in quite a while (omo!) but.. the words just aren't flowing. Not from my fingers at least (in contrast, the narrator in my mind is doing a fantastic job as usual - irritating and keeping me from sleep zz) It could be the hectic work schedule and various life's stressors but I haven't been in the mood to blog. But I will, soon! Many things to update! Until then, here's wishing all a great day! ^^ and hello bunny! Finally, a change from the "I wish" post haahha! (you go post something instead to entertain me hehe)

Monday, September 14, 2015

Saturday, September 5, 2015


Bad dreams, restless night.

Breathe, Madeline, breathe.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Warning: Movie spoilers ahead!

I didn't manage to do the workout today - ack, not a promising start - because I had to catch a movie in the afternoon but I promise to make up for it tomorrow by doing 2 extra sets of everything!

Anyway, I finally got around to watching Mission Impossible [5]: Rogue Nation (after what seemed like half a year's wait sobs) today and.. meh, it didn't live up to my expectations. Consider me sorely disappointed. I was really looking forward to watching it sooo much because I loved Mission Impossible [4]: Ghost Protocol to bits, especially Simon Pegg (nothing beats British humour) and Paula Patton. Unfortunately, although they replaced Patton with a (equally or less haha) ravishing Rebecca Ferguson, the movie was a pale shadow of its outstanding prequel. That said, I applaud Tom Cruise's courage and professionalism; the plane stunt and underwater sequence were sick! Does Scientology give its believers superhuman powers or something? Religion aside, Tom was basically Superman in the film?!

Dear directors, it's one thing to have your protagonist be exceptionally strong and intelligent but it's another to have him possess supernatural healing or regenerative powers! You can't have him go through a near-death drowning experience (he was dead for a minute -.- when any other mortal in the same situation would have just stayed dead.. forever) and then jump straight into a high-speed car chase which eventually ends with the car flying off a ramp, hurtling through the air and flipping 10 times on the ground. And... (drum rolls) guess what, our lead character emerges almost entirely unscathed woohoo, promptly hops onto a kickass bike and launches into another highway chase, completely possessed by a speed devil. Come on! Air bags deployed or not, you have to be at least a wee bit realistic! Apart from possible brain damage from the lack of oxygen, he must have broken a bone or two?! Sprained a finger at least?! Or suffered from giddiness??! Or should we all be rushing to the car dealers to buy a BMW now? It's virtually indestructible! -.-" I mean, the guy's human (or at least I think he is)! If your protagonist winced in pain when his knee, just his knee(!), scraped across the road whilst bike racing- oh I mean, when chasing the lady friend and taking out all the other gangsters along the way - it has gotta hurt so much more when the car did somersaults earlier right!

Oh, oh and don't forget how the female lead maintained a death grip on her pair of heels (Seriously?) as she slid down a rope, jumped out from a moving car and got bundled away by the baddie's henchmen to meet the villain himself. Speaking of whom, said villain has obviously not read the "Top 10 Dos and Don't for Movie Villains" because he ends up committing the stupidest folly ever in Villainverse. Did you not watch Batman? Superman? Antman? Or even Harry Potter (surprisingly the movie most on point bahaha)?!! Someone even gave a name to such villainous foolishness and stupidity - "Bond Villain Stupidity" - which TvTropes explains to be "a form of Genre Blindness commonly exhibited by villains.. [and which] occurs when a villain fails to kill the hero when he has him cornered, incapacitated, or otherwise defenseless, thus giving the hero a chance to escape and later come back to defeat the villain." HAHA. That makes most of us smarter than the average evil megalomaniac already so yay to us?

I know the MI series traditionally pushes the boundaries between fact and fiction but they went too far this time, to the extent that I had more than a few 'huh, reallllly?!!' moments of disbelief. It didn't help that the pacing was slow, the dialogue occasionally draggy and some scenes were very messily presented - for instance, the bike chase kept alternating between the first person and third person point of view. Fun for an arcade experience definitely, much less enjoyable for a movie experience.

Overall, I give it a 6.5/10 which means it's watchable but rather underwhelming for a MI show.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Huff and Puff

Gotta get into shape for the neighbour's wedding, Bounce Off (need to train for the 3km run and lots of bouncing hahah) and the sister's wedding so I've started on a simple exercise regime today! All I did was two sets of jumping jacks, cycling crunches, high-knee jumps and touch-toes shuffles each but I felt like a circus monkey already D: Hahahaha a monkey jumping about crazily at home! I couldn't do the push-up planks and mountain climbers though - don't have enough upper body strength to do the former and I kept slipping on the floor for the latter (maybe it works better with shoes on?) so I just replaced them with jumps.

We'll keep this up for the next uh, 5 months and hopefully, see some results by the time January rolls around ahahhaha (obviously no high expectations). Hahaha and if I have the time and mood (they're conjunctive haha), I'll throw in some running and badminton too! Someone, play and run with me please! Hint hint, Bunny.

Till then, have to lay off the sweets and fast food! (okay, compromise - once a week?)

The Lava short film's song and Bing Bong's tune have been stuck in my head the whole day wahhhhhh (suddenly breaks into song) "Who is the friend who likes to play? BING BONG, BING BONG!!"

"I have a DREAMMMMM~" (argh, stop that, volcano!)

I've been so sleepy and tired the entire day, I'm having a headache. Hahah does that even make sense?! A #firstworldproblem indeed. It's problematic, however, that I have no motivation for classes at all. The thought of them scare me, even. It doesn't help that I'm so disgusted by the characters of some of the facilitators (shame on you really - actually it's mainly that one douchebag's fault but.. it's not like the others are deserving of praise anyway) in the course. I detest the manner in which the course is conducted and the materials fail to engage me as well. I feel like the 6-month course is making a mockery of my 4-year university education. But that's no reason to give up and not try, isn't it? And so we trudge on with life, with the hope that tomorrow may be a better day.

Monday, August 31, 2015

Too much awesome

"Inside Out" was so ridiculously awesome. Easily the best or 2nd best movie of the year (Mad Max's the current reigning champion) so everyone has to watch it. I enjoyed every single minute of it, even the opening short film "Lava", and I would actually watch it again if I have the chance to! That's how good it is. I've been raving about the movie to my friends since last Friday though so I don't have much left to say about it hahah except.. DON'T WAIT AND GO WATCH IT NOW! (shh actually I'm lazy to type because I need a nap now XD zz so go watch it and judge for yourself!)

Note to self: Draw my own imagination land! BINGBONGBINGBONG!

Night Festival 2015

 Glow in the dark art (after being shone with UV light)
Fun to play around with but not sure what message it was trying to send cos no write-up was in sight.

THIS! Le Desir Et La Menace!

Some swing installation made with tennis balls in the National Museum
(again, no idea what it stands for because didn't see any description of the installation)

Garden of Angels, aka what I missed

Some thoughts of mine after Night Festival..

When asked by a friend if I wanted ABC or not, I said I neither wanted him nor did I not want him. And it's true, really.

Even if I said I wanted him, I can't promise that I'll like him.
Even if I said I didn't want him, I can't promise that I'll not fall for him in the future.
Regardless of my answer, you and I can't be sure whether he'll like/not like me.
He is a person, not a thing. 
He isn't something you can just allocate or 'gift' to anyone.
People don't work that way,
Love, even less so.

We're friends now and I like how things are.
Simple, carefree and burdenless.
I won't make a move on him and I also won't stop you from doing so (fair competition, you say).
I'm Team Neutral and this the safest route I see.
We're all not sure what might happen in the future but can we just keep things simple for now?
No complications, no drama.

Boon Lay Family Day at Universal Studios Singapore

USS again in a long while!
We only had 4 tickets so mommy had a day off to rest and relax!
(anyway please ignore my fat face in the photo)

BAHAHAHAHAH (minions giggling away)

Monkey see, Minion Do (chortles)

The main reason why my sister agreed to go to USS ._. 
Churros... hahahah (yes I'm laughing at you)

Anyway, first ride of the day! 
The last time I visited USS was before the Sesame Street rides were built so I was pretty excited about taking it this time! ^^ The visuals and audio were fantastic - totally a kid's dream come true - but those aside, it's really a kid's ride (laughs). Cute but very safe and tame. I think my dad found it a very lame ride hahaha

Just check out their blissful expressions from being hugged by me :P

The real Elmo and Cookie here

Me and my favourite Sesame Street character! (Baby) Big Bird! 
I used to love him so much when I was much younger teehee hugging him again brings back fond memories of the kiddy me :')

The Kingdom of Far Far Away
My dad loved and thoroughly enjoyed the 4D Shrek movie and that made us all very happy (:

Madagascar Carousel next where we finally met up with the cousin and co! 
The two babysitters had to accommodate little Kae's request to sit in the biggest animal seat/post(?) so they ended up in an immobile raft of some sort XD

Whereas I was busy galloping on Marty (Circus, Afro anyone?), even sharing the same ':O' expression as him hahahahah
Me attempting to carry little Kae - I can't get over how awkward a pose this is >< I don't know how to carry kids because they seem so soft and fragile but whenever I do give it a try, I never fail to come up with the weirdest poses ever (uncomfortable for them but extremely safe and "dropproof")

Family picture <3
Time spent with family is never time wasted. 
I love them all.

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Social Etiquette

What I said: Hi XX, it was nice meeting you today and.. see you in 10 years' time (a very arbitrary figure I pulled out of thin air which made the boys go, "why 10 years??"), maybe! Bye!

What I actually meant: Hi XX, it was nice meeting you today and I don't think we'll be seeing each other again!

What I was thinking: Hi XX, it was nice - fine, it was just okayish - meeting you today and I still don't know much about you after tonight, apart from your school, vocation and how you look like.. but I'm totally fine with that because I'm not interested anyway hahah so have a good night and.. I'll be on my way! Doubt we'll be meeting again in future so no need for "see you again"s too ^^!

What I should have just said: Hi XX, it was really nice meeting you today. Goodbye!

Friday, August 28, 2015

RRRRTGIF (aka really, really, really, really too good it's Friday)

New air conditioners getting installed today!

I had to wake up real early (before they arrived) to shower though so.. I'm kinda sleepy now. A bit nauseous even. Not sure what's up but my stomach's been giving me trouble this week urgh. Breakfasts leave me bloated and when dinner time rolls around, I usually don't have an appetite anymore. Sian.

Oh and have I ever mentioned that I hate classes? (oh, mentioned it 1002838392 times before already ah oops) Sibei sian.

I still haven't got around to watching Mission: Impossible Rogue Nation - is it even still shoooowing - which means life still sucks haha. On the bright side, I'm watching Inside Out tonight (which has been getting awesome reviews) \o/ and going for night festival with the best bud so I guess the week hasn't been all too awful.

I'm so looking forward to all the light installations this year, especially Le Desir et la Menace (it's just three bird wire sculptures perched on a tree - why so kiamsiap - but I likey light wire sculptures)! Reminds me of starry nights <3 Then again, going for night festival means I'll miss the stargazing session again but oh well, we can't have the best of both worlds. The real stars will have to wait till next week!

Shall I go nap now?

Monday, August 24, 2015



Don't be confused and listen to your mind (not heart).

Focus on work, focus on life, focus on the self.

On a more positive note.. let's have a dose of happy SungGyu!

아우 귀엽다
Watching him perform on tv never fails to cheer me up!

SungGyu and his killer 눈웃음! ^^

And because I haven't been able to catch Season 6 of Teen Wolf..
Dylan, the cutest actor on the other side of the plane, says "HEY"

Anyway, I realise exercise has a great reenergising effect and that I should do it more often :D Hopefully, a biweekly walk at Macritchie/Hort Park/Botanic Gardens? It was crazy to have started off with a 10km walk at Macritchie yesterday (my poor feet are in pain right now hahahah I couldn't quite feel my toes by the end of the walk) but I really, really enjoyed the time spent out in nature (yippie) with goooood company. Plus I finally got to see the treetop walk! \o/ The downsides were the haze, unknown insect bites (I found this disgusting looking bugger clinging to my arm and squished it promptly but that was after it bit me ack) and scary monkeys who seemingly advanced on us with the intention of stealing our bags (we ran away)!! 'Twas a memorable experience, nonetheless.

Beautiful, isn't it

Three monkeys... :P

Walking through the forest.. (^_^)v
Few sightings of birds and animals though.. (disappointed)
We only saw one millipede, countless ants, one red-feathered bird, a few brown sparrows and one (possibly toxic) mushroom and many monkeys.

We made it out of the forest.. to a golf course! Hahah
Emelia brought a wide-angle lens thingum to facilitate photo taking!

The destination finally in sight!!!! 
HSBC Tree top walk! (it was like 5.6 km from where we started?!)

Alas, only a 250m stretch -.-
2.5 hours walk for a 5-10 min experience...! We can't even cross it back and forth repeatedly to admire the view or what not because it's unidirectional... hahah and after crossing the bridge, I realised.. the top of trees don't look that much different from the bottom/middle portions of trees HAHA same leaves, same branches and no animals/birds in sight (after my friend commented that we don't get to be above tree tops everyday, we took a long hard look and that was my conclusion aha)

BEM <3

Two of my favourite people in the world ^^
Hee :D

On a side note, I HATE THE HAZE (or more specifically, its smell). My entire house is filled with haze so I'm basically eating, sleeping and living with haze URGH.