Saturday, August 29, 2015

Social Etiquette

What I said: Hi XX, it was nice meeting you today and.. see you in 10 years' time (a very arbitrary figure I pulled out of thin air which made the boys go, "why 10 years??"), maybe! Bye!

What I actually meant: Hi XX, it was nice meeting you today and I don't think we'll be seeing each other again!

What I was thinking: Hi XX, it was nice - fine, it was just okayish - meeting you today and I still don't know much about you after tonight, apart from your school, vocation and how you look like.. but I'm totally fine with that because I'm not interested anyway hahah so have a good night and.. I'll be on my way! Doubt we'll be meeting again in future so no need for "see you again"s too ^^!

What I should have just said: Hi XX, it was really nice meeting you today. Goodbye!

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