Saturday, August 22, 2015

Nth Trip

Power trippity trip.

Electricians have been here for over an hour already and we're still trying to identify the source of the power trip. Switch on the air conditioner, trip. Switch on the toaster, trip. Lights out, fridge's warm (there goes the ice cream, milk and groceries) and we have a few unhappy, sweaty and grouchy people. Haha I think I'm the only one who isn't too affected by this state of affairs - I'm all like "let's go caveman style"! To be honest, it's the worst possible season for the air conditioning to spoil - it's the middle of summer and look at the choking haze out there - but I'm sure we'll manage one way or another! HAHA I'm crazily optimistic (or maybe delirious from the heat or lack of sleep haha) but we have to make do with what we have for now! Poor dad has been up since 5.30 because of a jaw ache and the lack of ventilation though D: Hope it'll be a windy and cool night tonight!

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