Looking at the task materials for this week's classes leaves me feeling like..
I don't know what the learning objectives are, (even if I refer to the objectives they have stated) I have no inkling of how we're even going to achieve that with their disorganised materials, I can't draw the links among the different materials (slides, videos, reference materials etc.) and I don't see how the materials relate to the final exam.. Essentially, I really don't quite know what exactly we're doing right now. What are we really learning? I don't even know how or where to start with for personal notes when I'm just drowning in information overload. It's a mind-boggling mess.
And when it comes to drafting... (exasperated laugh) they throw us a couple of documents describing the process in generic terms and then expect us to be able to draft a perfect court document?? Where from?! Plucking it out of thin air? Using a wand?! Drafting is a technical skill that has to be acquired from experience and since we're young lawyers-to-be with little drafting experience, you have to either guide us through the entire process step by step or simply provide us with sample documents (in simple terms, you either teach or at the very least, let us have something substantive to refer to) - so that we even know how the documents are supposed to look like, duh! If you refuse to do any of the above and insist on throwing us into the deep end, then take responsibility and make the facilitators evaluate each and every draft so that (yells) WE KNOW WHAT WE'RE DOING RIGHT/WRONG! This is exactly the same thing that happened in my drafting module in university - sure enough, we can draft until our fingers drop but if you don't let us see what a reasonable/acceptable draft looks like or mark our drafts to let us know what we're doing wrong (this is crucial!!), all the fluffeh instructions and theory in the world won't help! I may know what to do in theory but having to translate that into practice is entirely different!!!!
Ah whatever. (anyway, I still can't believe a fellow batchmate commented that she would rather have our 4 years of university done the Part B way. Uh, hello, I'm not gonna pay 40 grand just to self-learn the syllabus o.o)
Mood of the day (or last night): Standing at the base of a cliff with a huge boulder balancing on the crumbling cliff edge, unable to run or hide.
Aite, time to stop whining and get down to work.
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