Thursday, August 6, 2015

这也太准了吧 ?!

I was completely floored by a horoscope reading I came across online (it was accurate down to the exact date and type of event O.O) so I decided to go on a horoscope-researching spree to check how accurate and/or valid such predictions actually are. The results were nothing short of astonishing.

Here's what I got..

General horoscope reading
You love to explore new ideas, your very own adventures of the mind, and you are greatly assisted by today's astral energy. Your idealistic nature tempts you to focus on utopic dreams. (utopic sounds about right..! Come, astral energy, come infuse ma mind and soul! Give me strength!) You feel this energy as the essence of "possibility," and it will be a period of emotional optimism for you. Whatever you have doubted to be possible in your health or dietary regimen, now is the time to give it a try. It doesn't have to be a marathon. Start small, and you can make your dreams a reality! (Oh. My. God. How did they know I was dieting and having a problem keeping to it?!!)

By far the most generous of the zodiac, Leos make loyal and giving friends.When family is involved, the mighty Lion will do whatever it takes to defend loved ones. Loyalty for the Leo is for a lifetime. They pride themselves on being there for family through thick and thin. (okay.... this is getting scarily accurate hahahah)

Based on date of birth
Dynamic energy is your basic nature, but emotional issues may eat into your vitality if you don't take a little control of your sometimes overactive imagination. (Sigh.. overthinking again..)

Should your health and vitality be low - it's a safe bet that your somewhat morbid imagination is at the bottom of it. Don't resort to power plays as a way of overcoming your own emotional insecurities.

Based on date and time of birth (
You are compassionate and respect the feelings of others. You expect the same respect in return. You tend to keep track of offenses suffered. While you will forgive those who upset you, it is not likely you will forget. (Can I ever fully emphasise the significance of RESPECT?)

Oh how you hate routine! You need adventure and risk to keep your spirit charged. For you a world without challenges and wildcards would indeed be a desolate place. Your need for physical and emotional freedom makes having anything remotely resembling a normal home life difficult. (YESSS!!!)

You are a passive soul who does your best to avoid confrontation. Much of your cerebral life is devoted to your dreams and fantasies which provide you with shelter for reality's crueler moments. You have a sensitive side that is moved by the arts. (Escapism, anyone? And what better to escape into other than the literary arts?!)

The world's many mysteries enthrall you. Although deeply emotional, you are very good at keeping your feelings in check when events call for a cool head and clear thinking. (except that people call me zen when I'm one teeny step away from biting their heads off...)

You have a love of the arts and innate sense of style. Your creativity makes you a natural to pursue a career in the arts. Unlike many with a talent for the arts you do well in social settings. Your charm and sense of humor make you attractive to a wide variety of people. (Love for the arts, yes ^^ but not so much the 'do well in social settings' part haha)

You are a bit reserved when it comes to relationships. Being a bit self-conscious makes it difficult for you to "make your move". Your reticence stems from the fact that you don't realize how attractive you are to those around you. You're probably too much of a realist to ever experience the full force of a love that knows no bounds. Your need for friendship and intellectual stimulation from your partner is equal to, or may even outweigh your need for romantic love. You also have doubts about the validity of "true love." These misgivings lead you to set down rules of engagement that may be so unrealistic and oppressive they make potential partners flee. You might do well trying to see the good in those around you instead of keeping an inventory of their faults. (Don't flee hahah unfortunately, the reserved, bit self-conscious, realist parts are true sigh)

You are too serious to enjoy interactions like flirting and flings. (oh, how true.. I don't think I've ever flirted with anyone before. Not intentionally/consciously at least.) You don't do things for the fun of it. For you everything has a practical goal. (I would but remember, I'm too much of a realist) You are wary of relationships regardless of their form. (More like.. wary of human beings? Already jaded?) Much of your trepidation concerning relationships stems from a feeling of unworthiness. (quite true about the self-esteem portion though this seems contradictory to the ever-confident Leo prediction)

Material gain is not the only thing that motivates you to work. In fact, if a project strikes your fancy you may take it on for fun. (Realist but still one that knows how to enjoy and have fun okay haha)

You approach life and people with an open mind. Your inner world of fantasy and ideas is very rich, so it is likely you are not as concerned with material success as most. (Middle Earth! Hogwarts! Neverland!)

It is possible you feel a bit disenfranchised from humanity. (Blame the existential crisis moments) You look upon groups and society in general with a wary eye. (from time to time indeed..)

Your generation is noted for its efforts to reform the modern world's basic social structures. Being a logical and efficient lot makes your group perfect for reducing the amount of time and money governments and businesses waste on useless ventures and inefficient policies. (how cool is this?!)

My lucky numbers: 5, 14, 13, 32, 41, 50 (can strike TOTO?)


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