Saturday, March 1, 2014

Awfully cold (in my dorm)

This is how I'm feeling right now.

I'm in my room, sitting at my desk but I'm still shivering.. The heater has been cranked up to 35 degrees (maximum!) but it doesn't make a difference cos I'm still so cold!! >< The heater apparently heats up the floor but.... that's not going to help much considering that we walk around in shoes (yes, we still haven't cleaned the floor) and the air remains cold. (shivers) I was so cold this morning during my city tour that my insides were trembling- pretty weird since the temperature wasn't even that low (5 degrees) but gahhh, I'm coollldddd. WARM HUG PLEASE!

I wanted to post all about my city tour today which was pretty eventful (got left behind by tour bus, couldn't contact anyone and was stranded for half an hour, subjected to speed eating, walked too much etc.) but I'm too tired.. The cold really saps one's energy (and cellphone battery life). Even my iPhone Powerbank isn't working fine. *stomps around angrily* I charged it for an hour or so but it only managed to juice up my phone by slightly less than 50%. Very perplexing indeed.

Today's city tour was quite meaningful though. I really enjoyed the War Memorial Museum tour visit and managed to learn a lot about how North and South Korea came to be, the Korean War, the roles of Russia and China in the war and the various wars through the ages. Another place worthy of mention was the National Museum of National and Contemporary Art, Deoksugung where famed artists' works (oil, ink and mixed media) were being exhibited. It was quite an inspiring visit frankly- I'll probably put my new sketchbooks to good use soon! :P *does an excited jiggly dance* There will probably be a post dedicated solely to the art museum and my favourite artworks (along with certain artworks I thought were mind-boggling) so do look out for it if you're interested in art! The post on the Korean War will probably end up in my other blog (My Little Encyclopaedia) so if you're interested to know more, visit that instead! This post won't come anytime soon though.. haha once I get down to doing my research and stuff, I'll post pictures there!

Yeap, it's getting late and I have to visit Gyeongbokgong tomorrow (again!) so I'm gonna turn in for the night! I'm not that keen on visiting a place I've been to before.. but since the group I hang out with wants to go.. I guess I can't decline the invitation..? All these just to be sociable and to make/keep friends.

*tired shrug*

Okay, this is me going to bed. Brrrrr.

Sleep tight and lots of love! ^^
Most importantly, stay warm!

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