Tuesday, March 11, 2014

I miss home.

Gah, not in a peachy mood tonight.

The feeling's particularly strong right now but I miss home..

I miss talking to my family,
I miss seeing my family,
I miss my bed and blanket,
I miss the kitchen,
I miss my study table,
I miss the fridge,
I miss the television, (it's so bleddy boring in the room)
I miss my row of toys,
I miss the clean toilet,
I miss clean floors,
I miss my wardrobe,
I miss good food,
I miss lunches with my mum,
I miss dinners with the family,
I even miss the radio at home.

I miss chatting with my friends,
I miss seeing familiar faces, (yes, I miss you)
I miss having someone to confide in,
I miss having someone to laugh with and truly feel happy,
I miss having someone to share the wonderful moments with,
I miss the theaters, (and my movies)
I miss the food,
I miss the clean air, (at least, not the haze for now)
I even miss the heat. (not too much though)

If you're going to be judgemental like someone and think that I can't handle independent living (you shouldn't, if you do know me), then perhaps you shouldn't be reading this, or any other posts. I got highly pissed off when someone snapped "grow up!" at me when I lamented that I missed home when someone with the same car model as my mum drove past me (all I said was, "I miss my mum."). How in the world is missing home an indication of not being grown up? Why is it fine to miss your friends, miss your girlfriend/boyfriend, miss your whoeverelse and yet, not acceptable to miss the family? I think you should be the one who really needs to grow up. Why, is it too uncool for you to admit that you miss your family? Or that perhaps it's almost like a badge of honor to have a partner to miss? Don't kid me. Independent living is not mutually exclusive with the idea of family (why should it ever have to be) - I can feed myself, clothe myself, clean myself and basically live a decent life perfectly on my own - that's independent living for you. That doesn't necessarily mean that I have to be totally happy doing it - because the mind is separate from the body, duh. I love my family and I'm proud of it, I don't have to prove anything to you. Continue judging (I know you already are) but who gives a damn right.


Right, I just realised that university education doesn't actually do much for character-building. All of us are university students here in the dorm but it's hard to believe that there are still utensil/soap/pot-thieves residing among us. I can't believe that you made it all the way to university and you're stealing soap from someone's else's storage box. I don't even know if I should laugh, cry at that or fry you in a pan (whoever you are). And even if you don't have the decency to ask for permission or better, buy your friggin utensils, at least put the things back where you found them. You DO NOT (I repeat, do NOT) steal my dishwashing liquid and place it ten columns away and make me hunt for it. I'm just one step away from installing grilles at my storage area and using my pan to whack you. GO BUY YOUR OWN SOAP AT DAISO - it's a mere 1000W, that's 1USD, S$1.25. I know my soap smells of grapefruit and lemon (how fragrant) but STOP STEALING MINE.

Speaking of which, a few days back, I heard about this particular exchange student who sponges off people. She befriended this other girl and got her to pay for her groceries, food, drinks etc. by making up different excuses each time (e.g. she doesn't have small change, they can share the items etc.). In addition, as this other girl is recovering from broken ribs (or some injury), she travels around by cabs and this leech just goes along for the free ride every single time. The other girl recently came to the realisation that she was being used and broke down, but when she went to ask for her money back, the leech had the audacity to tell her that she (the leech) thought the other girl was doing her a favor each time, that friends are supposed to do favors for each other and that she (the leech) had done a lot for the girl. Apparently, she had helped the girl with her luggages and heavy bags (cos the girl is recovering from her injury) and somehow, expected all the freebies in return. I was speechless when I heard about this from my roommate - it was both surprising and shocking. I know that there are many horrid people in this world but.. doesn't it just feel shocking to find one such specimen in your midst? I don't know said leech's name yet but I guess I should be more wary of the people I meet here from now on. 

The world's a scary place, isn't it.

Home is still the best. Love you all! :')


  1. You can confide in meee mokie~ just text me ok? =)

  2. Guess who ;) it's so nice to hear from you! And i guess come what may, our homeland will always be the place that lingers in our hearts eh?

    Was really shocked when i read that somebody could actually say that! It's so mean, and i bet has missed their mum one time or another so i don't get why people just can't be more understanding grrrrr.

    And haha, u might need to start using less fragrant detergent from now on to literally DETER people from stealing it, that's why its spelt as "DETERgent" lolol. or you could keep your detergent in your room so they can't get it!

    Whewww, it seems like one sees both the BEST and WORST in people and places when one goes on exchange. It's horrible and it's great, makes u feel shitty, but i bet you built up layers of character and become stronger from the experience. Pokemon Maddie level up!

    Forever cheering you on xp hope that thief gets shit on by a low-flying pigeon or something
