Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Hides in Blanket

Urgh, woke up feeling really crappy today.. with a runny nose and slightly sore throat. >< I shouldn't have accompanied my friends to get waffles when the haze was so bad last night - must have gulped down and inhaled too many pollutant particles.

For some inexplicable reason, I find myself breathing through my mouth instead of my nose most of the time. Not sure if it's because of the insane cold - since breathing through the nose makes the windpipe really cold, dry and uncomfortable, and my nose freezes up - but I doubt a dry throat is any better? Unfortunately, my body does this subconsciously so I don't realise it until.. I've probably swallowed so much dirty air/pollutant particles. D: GAH.

Anyway, I'm on my own again today and today's tasks include:
1. Boiling barley water to drink
2. Getting an electrical water heater (of some sort)
3. Get sports shoes (maybe not today)
4. Get delicious dinner (I was planning to cook but since I'm not feeling too well, let's skip the long arduous cooking time and just get some good food! Moreover, since I saved on lunch today, I can afford to splurge a lil' on dinner!)


Hahahaha 14,500W is close to S$17 for a pasta! OH NUUUUUU HOW NOW?

*looks at pasta hungrily* but I really liked it the last time I was at BlackSmith.. AHHH! /(>.<)\

Kya it's time to go do the first task on my list and go rehydrate myself (water, finalllyyy!)!

BYEBYE! *does the maddie wave*

Song Recommendation of the Day:
Saw it on my Youtube landing page so I just clicked it and it turns out to be a pretty decent canto song.

1 comment:

  1. I wanna see maddie's wave noww~~ like naonaooooooo ^^
