Sunday, March 2, 2014

Tired again

I was supposed to blog today because I have some amazing pictures of Gyeongbokgung (Gyeongbok Palace) which I visited today... but as usual, I got back to the dormitory too late (we walked back around 11pm) and now, it's both too late and too tiring to blog. I have to say that it has been an enjoyable day spent with my new friends though. (: I had to talk a lot but it was still a great day! I hope more days like this will come along soon!

Tomorrow's gonna be my second day out on my own and if there are no dinner plans (by tomorrow morning), I'll probably head to Hyehwa for lunch (kalguksu and egg kimbap hehe), explore wintry Sungkyukwan and grab dinner from Blacksmith (more like, sit there and savor my meal like a taitai haha). We'll see how it goes tomorrow but may it be a fantastic day! Hopefully not too cold (it was a darned 1 degree earlier- every cell of me was shaking from the cold) and here's to a good, restful sleep! Goodnight World!

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